Solved! Cloth Over Vents?

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May 21, 2021
Hi - I plan to put a receiver in my woodworking shop, but I am concerned about dust getting into the unit. Can I just tape some cloth over the vents?
Get a powered bluetooth speaker and just run the thing off your phone. A lot of them are made to be pretty water proof, as long as you keep it in an area not right by where a lot of dust is generated it will be fine. Those you can cover with a fabric mesh, like a cheesecloth or something that will let air through easily.
Get a powered bluetooth speaker and just run the thing off your phone. A lot of them are made to be pretty water proof, as long as you keep it in an area not right by where a lot of dust is generated it will be fine. Those you can cover with a fabric mesh, like a cheesecloth or something that will let air through easily.
Not a great idea as the vents are there to allow heat to escape. Covering them with cloth will reduce the cooling capabilities of the receiver.

-Wolf sends
So, are you saying that cloth will block enough heat from escaping that it will overheat? What if I only have the receiver on for a limited time? If that can work, how much time should I restrict it to? If not, is there something else I can do to prevent sawdust from getting in? I am not going to go the bluetooth route suggested by someone else.
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