Collision Leaves Earth-sized Hole in Jupiter

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silly gravitational preturbations in the kupier belt/ oort cloud. it's all jupiter's fault to being with, the least it can do is take the hits.
[citation][nom]megamanx00[/nom]I just thought of that movie Armageddon just now. I'm sure if something like that threatens earth the Japanese will have a giant robot ready to go into space and push it out of the way while Congress is still voting on the color of a very big rocket to shoot at it.[/citation]
Yeah, but it would fall down a flight of steps before it could stop the thing.
Chuck Norris does not need a space suit. He just goes as he is... ^__^
if you are making the joke, then why not at least be factual about it. the joke doesn't get any less funny by saying "shame it wasn't a
*few* planets over..." only a European would overlook such basic facts when trying to make a corny joke.
good show mate. this is a casual internet message board, not the summation of my undergrad research. busting on Americans but then use an American comedian as an example? not very original there mate. never claimed to be a master of the english language, just an astrophysicst with attention to scientific detail. and normally i do use the proper sentence structure, i'm doing this now just to get under your skin, which apparently has worked! yay!

4 degrees from Penn State and i can still bother a limely git. cheers from across the pond,

your revolutionary brother
I'm not sure who "us all" refers to, but posting just blatantly wrong information in a semi-serious thread deserved a response, and I gave one. And if you had mentioned an English comedian that off hand I did not recognize, a 4 second google search would have solved that problem right quick.

By the way football was invented in Western Pennsylvania/Eastern Ohio, and is the United States of America's most popular sport. Soccer on the other hand, is well, soccer.

Plenty of things exist outside my country, Jupiter for one, Uranus for another, and those two planets are not side by side.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]I hate to be the one to say this but it was you who turned a joke into an arguement, just to show off.Football, by the way, was invented in England and the game you play that you call football is not. You use your hands and it is shaped like an egg. It is hand-egg, not football, simply renaming it soccer for your own benefit does not make your game football.How about you invent a game on a black & white board, 10 squares by 10, with 20 pieces per side similar to chess. If you rename the original game in your own country to something else it really, really doesn't mean you can just adopt the name chess for your own game. But then, for a nation founded on the principle of invading the land and killing the native population I would expect nothing less.[/citation]

Wow want kind of swill do they teach school kids these days in Jolly Ole England? My nation was founded because your king wanted to expand his empire! He would have had a great thing going, but he decided to tax the people to death and they revolted. So much for history.

I merely pointed out the incorrect nature of the relative positions of the two planets in question and inserted a rather tongue in cheek response. Then you actually had the gaul to imply that I couldn't pick up on sarcasm when anyone with a brain could infer that you have in fact passed 2nd grade science. As I said, a ONE WORD modification of the joke would have yielded no less humor. I got cheeky when you pulled off the gloves and started throwing profanities and nationalities around, that was you not me.

As long as you are schooling me on the true nature of sports, I have to ask; What's up with cricket? I mean do people really play it?
I don't know if I'm the only one enjoying this but instead of working I've been laughing my ass of with you guys!!! You both should create a comedy act!!! US VS UK

GO GO GO !!!
I'm still waiting for astrodudepsu to come and say:
"Jupiter's a planet it as no feelings, it cannot love one species and hate another!!! Have you failed 2nd grade science?!?!?!?!"
[citation][nom]Derek2006[/nom]Anyone else find it funny an amateur astronomer had to call and tell NASA this?[/citation]

Ultimately government can only do so much, and it's better we depend on them as little as possible anyway.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]I'm so happy to entertain the masses, the arrogance of Americans shows it's ugly head again. Cricket is practically the biggest sport in countries all round the world, even if not in England. In England I would say football is the most popular but cricket is way way bigger in the West Indies, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand.How much worldwide appeal is there for American Football?Honestly dude, I can keep this up all day, keep coming with arrogant feedback and I can keep throwing George W Bush, Vietnam, Gauntanamo Bay etc etc etc...All. Day. Long.[/citation]

Only because you asked nicely. And by the way, you're welcome for that whole WW2 thing.
Incredible: the article has 63 words in sequence, without a comma or any type of punctuaction.
Talk about good quality writing...
Incredible: the article has 63 words in sequence, without a comma or any type of punctuaction.
Talk about good quality writing...
[citation][nom]nachowarrior[/nom]crap, there goes my first major land investment... who wants to live in a crater? now my non existent great great great great grandchildren are going to be poor.[/citation]

Hmm... hate to tell you this but there is no land on Jupiter. It's a gas giant. I think you may have wasted your investment :)
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