Dear God. Let's just have some damn pints, relax, and laugh about George Bush...and if you're English and have a sense of humour (yes, I spelled it your way lol)...let's laugh about Gordie boy or maybe Tony "Bush's Poodle" (the British papers named him...not me) Blair too.
BTW for any Europeans that didn't hear about it yet, the stories are already coming out of the U.S. Secret Service about how wild and unparented Jenna and Barbara Bush (GW's twin daughters) were while in the White House.
Like father, like daughters. Jenna danced on tables drunk in Austin when she's 16, and GW drives drunk in Maine when he's 30...and still living in his parents' homes! What a mama's boy! lol
OK...enough about it...back to space debris.
If it was a comet, we would have seen it coming because of the tail they develop when they get past about Saturn or Jupiter.
But if it was an asteroid coming at us at 135,000mph, we don't have much chance of seeing it.
Thank Congress and Bush for cutting the funding for programs that scan the sky for NEOs.
Cheers, Jupiter. Your gravity is tugging at my heart strings. lol