Collision Leaves Earth-sized Hole in Jupiter

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by the way the USA only entered WW2 for it's own interests...
Remember Pearl Harbor!!!
If the Japanese hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor the US never would had participated in the war!!!
"only a European would overlook such basic facts when trying to make a corny joke."

lolwut? Europe is the centre of scientific excellence. Most of us know that the Universe is billions of years old, unlike in the US where around 50% of people are idiotic to believe it's only 6000.
Dear God. Let's just have some damn pints, relax, and laugh about George Bush...and if you're English and have a sense of humour (yes, I spelled it your way lol)...let's laugh about Gordie boy or maybe Tony "Bush's Poodle" (the British papers named him...not me) Blair too.

BTW for any Europeans that didn't hear about it yet, the stories are already coming out of the U.S. Secret Service about how wild and unparented Jenna and Barbara Bush (GW's twin daughters) were while in the White House.

Like father, like daughters. Jenna danced on tables drunk in Austin when she's 16, and GW drives drunk in Maine when he's 30...and still living in his parents' homes! What a mama's boy! lol

OK...enough about it...back to space debris.

If it was a comet, we would have seen it coming because of the tail they develop when they get past about Saturn or Jupiter.

But if it was an asteroid coming at us at 135,000mph, we don't have much chance of seeing it.

Thank Congress and Bush for cutting the funding for programs that scan the sky for NEOs.

Cheers, Jupiter. Your gravity is tugging at my heart strings. lol
actually what usa calls football is called rugby, look it up

google football and ull see what u call soccer come up, try it

americans are lazy, and its alot easier to control a ball if you get to touch it.

and sorry but i personally cant sit thru 5 minutes of cricket and i live in the caribbean

take a look at popularity of sports, ull notice that rugby does not appear in the top 10

and dont tell me about my grammar, its the caribbean mun.
[citation][nom]tacoslave[/nom]even if Jupiter wasn't there chuck Norris would've fucked that thing up. he can never die.[/citation]

Wrong. There is...In thing, and only one thing that can, and has taken down Chuck Norris. Bruce Lee.
[citation][nom]Zakkas[/nom]Wow the US vs Europe is everywhere. Just wait til the aliens invade and we'll all be brothers again.[/citation]
Europe is willing, USA just wants you Oil....

Im Canadian, i might as well jump in LOL
[citation][nom]Derek2006[/nom]Anyone else find it funny an amateur astronomer had to call and tell NASA this?[/citation]
Nope, it's actually perfectly normal.
Well I am American and I am proud of that. Its just unfortunate that people outside the US view all US citizens as crazy people who just want oil. Actually my comment was geared more towards us standing as one rather than everyone hating on everyone else. If any country deservers to be scowled at its North Korea.
You were doing alright, and hell I even agreed with you.. But as soon as you said, "But then, for a nation founded on the principle of invading the land and killing the native population I would expect nothing less.".. I have to ask ARE YOU SMOKING CRACK!.. You do realize we colonized America before the revolutionary war right?? You were doing so good, but you just straight fucked yourself on that one.
Yes, that's exactly what I ment. Colonize is just a nicer way of saying that.. It rarely means landing/discovering..etc places, and just getting along with it's population. Without some sort of war.
Back by demand you dumbass don't you get it.. We were under BRITISH RULE WHEN WE KILLED THE INDIANS! Um duh dumbasses..

And almost every culture has done the EXACT SAME THING! Including the Indians.. Ya, some tribes didn't.. Doesn't mean they were all goody goody.. We just did it better.

O and since you want to bring "hell" into this. Do you realize how many people were murdered in the name of relegion.. It far outwieghs the indians that died..
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