STD's scare me even more so with HIV. I'm not scared of myself getting it as I have always been responsible when it comes to sexual intercourse. However I am scared for society as it is obvious most are not. One out of four sexually active high school students have a STD in America. While many of this aren't life threatening and not all are infections for life the ones that are permanent are rising too.
In 2009 there were 42,960 new HIV diagnoses in that year. This means every 2 years almost 100,000 people are diagnosed. That is 1 in 3000 people in America. That may sound low but you have to remember there are people already infected previously and more coming at a steady rate. Rounding America's population to 300 million over the course of 10 years counting the only newly infected people within those 10 years this means 1 in 698 people will be expected to be infected with HIV. This is also assuming that the rate of infection will is extremely unlikely. So the real odds are even worse. Now imagine the next 10 years after that.
Witnessing human behavior through all my years on this planet it seems most people even in more advanced parts of the world seem to be incapable of handling sexual practices responsibly. Not only does the majority seem to give no caution to STD's but pregnancy seems to be nothing more than a risk they are willing to take. It's mind blowing that people who are under no condition to currently have children do so before getting their lives stable.
I understand the need to please sexual desires and I have no objection to people having sexual intercourse of any kind and with whomever they please. But when there is a much safer method than going unprotected why not take the safer path and still satisfy one's sexual needs? You can have your cake and eat it too in this case but yet so many people tend to rather get infected with a STD.
I will end this post with this, STD's require no cure for us to make to rid of them for good.
No science is needed, only common sense. If people begin to act more maturely and with caution when it comes to sexual intercourse infection rates will drop and continue to drop.
Once the amount of people who are infected naturally dwindle down the diseases will become extinct. This would take time but we can beat some of the most horrible diseases simply by using your head.