Comcast Takes on Google with 2Gbps Internet

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Total marketing scam. No home user needs 2Gbs speed. Not even 1Gbs. You could stream 150 to 250 HD movies -simultaneously- with 1Gbs. Only a business user with 10's or 100's of employees, cash registers, terminals etc., or -maybe- someone who runs a website needs that kind of speed.
If I had to I would stab myself in the leg with a needle and then pay more money if it meant never having to give a cent to Comcast.
Such bs on comcraps part. They can barely deliver their advertised speeds now, what makes me think they can launch this in 18 million homes in a few months? What's the data limit though? 2 GB for $500 a month?
This makes me so sad to read. Australia had a plan to roll out 100mbit fibre connections to every home in Australia since our average speed is 2mbits or something like that. Then the Liberal Government gets elected on the back of Murdock money that owns pay TV in Australia and doesn't want fast Internet because it will compete with his over priced TV service. They cancel the NBN (National Broadband Network) so now only woks currently in development will be finished and all future works cancelled. We will wallow in low speed for an age it seems since we have no private industry improving our infrastructure.
They're all trying the numbers game again. Tricking people into thinking they need these speeds. I've only just got a 40mb/s connection and it works fine so I really can't see anyone needing more than 500mb/s. The only situation I can see it used in is having a single connection to many many apartments in a closely packed area.
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