coming back to Sprint



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

It's been two years since I've used Sprint PCS. Now I'm sick of T-Mobile and
I'm coming back. What is the best phone to get by way of features and
reception. Also Is Ready Link worth hype?

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In, Charles Brown
<> first attempted to communicate with pen, but the
writing was small, so next used sidewalk chalk, but the rain washed it away,
and then switched to spray paint and stencils but the cans exploded, so
placed fingers to keyboard for this:
> It's been two years since I've used Sprint PCS. Now I'm sick of
> T-Mobile and I'm coming back. What is the best phone to get by way of
> features and reception. Also Is Ready Link worth hype?
> Charles

I'm relatively new to Sprint's service, but so far from what I've used of my
Ready Link it's been worth it. My wife and I can get to one another at a
moment's notice using ours and as long as you're within the Sprint Network
area the signal is strong and pretty quick. My only complaint has been that
their coverage area is still a bit weak in our area of the state (NW Ohio)
as it tends to fade out quickly in rural areas. Also, the signal seems weak
inside of malls and large buildings. But I have heard that there's not many
company's services that can work well like that.