Complain About Cell Phone in Movie, Get Stabbed

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If this happened in Great Britain the British politicians would be all over TV about "meat thermometer crime" on the rise and next thing you know you would need an ID to buy meat thermometers.
Movie theaters will eventually require security check points.
I've been in one such, about seven years ago. Taking my eight-year-old daughter to the movies.
I never went there again. Not because I have a grudge against the theater for having metal detectors, but I don't want my child in an area where such a thing is necessary.
I am going to guess that the stabber has a previous criminal record that makes it illegal for him to carry a weapon. This way if he gets pulled over or caught doing something else hes not technically in possession of a knife yet just as capable of stabbing someone.
This is not funny I dont get why you internet people post jokes on this. If it was me to get stabbed they would of been shot at least one of them. Dont sit at the edge of the isle so at least you can see them coming, cause bitches like these two will sneak up on you.
[citation][nom]Dandalf[/nom]WHO DO CINEMAS STILL NOT UTILIZE PHONE JAMMERS[/citation]
because it is ILLEGAL to jam signals.
[citation][nom]ie49589[/nom]And how is this related to computer tech?[/citation]
This is a good question was it a digital thermomiter?
[citation][nom]ie49589[/nom]And how is this related to computer tech?[/citation]

Erm, not all [citation][nom]C 64[/nom]If this happened in Great Britain the British politicians would be all over TV about "meat thermometer crime" on the rise and next thing you know you would need an ID to buy meat thermometers.[/citation]

I think the yobs prefer bleach over here - you may have seen that particular case.
New invention? You go to the cinema and if you make lots of noise, a glass shield erects around your chair - black glass. You can see out, but nobody can see they don't have to, or see your conversation. Make it so that the chair also lowers automatically, so that you're forced not to see over other people's heads in order to watch the film whilst you do you like being inconvenienced? If the attendants won't do their job then I put forward a motion that someone patents this wonderful use of technology, and initiates production of the said device as soon as possible :)
Sadly, this is all too common. My friends and I have had such bad episodes going to the movies; talking, cell phones, etc. that we have been forced to go on Wednesday nights to enjoy the theatre. Even if there are only 15 - 30 peeps watching, there still seems to be at least one rude person inconsiderate of others.
The hell with movies and with every jackass out there looks at his iphone or the like 50 times during the movie. It's like random flashlights throughout. People are not only idiots, their have zero common sense.
This "The report indicates that she then left the theater with two men.

Sometime later the two men returned to the theater and stabbed the victim in the throat"

does not make sense.
And some folks are all worried about stricter gun control. They better start banning meat thermometers instead!

I hate to promote stereotypes, but any time I've had to ask someone to either get off their cell phone or be quiet during a movie, they've been black folks. What is it about going to a theater and watching a movie that black folks just can't keep their mouth shut and not verbalize every thought that comes into their heads. My favorites include; "OH SH!T SON!", "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO IN THERE, NOW YOU GONNA GET KILLED!", "OH SNAP! THAT'S SOME FUNNY A$S SHIT!", and last but not least "I'D BITCH SLAP SOME MUTHERFVC*A IF THEY DID THAT TO ME!"
Let me guess...They're black. They don't value their own life, so they certainly don't value yours. Lock them up and then execute every last one of these losers.
You people misread this whole event. This has nothing to do with payback. It has to do with a new cell-phone body temperature app they were testing on their I-phone.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I'm 6'7" and have faced down two young punks before. Nevermind that they're black, but there's a respect/authoritarian figure issue with inner city kids these days. We need dads. Real, good, disciplinarian dads. citation]

Jonny, I totally agree. Unfortunately, our government over the last 50 years had this brilliant idea that if a dad isn't living in the same home as the mother, "well then hell, lets give her more welfare money". They never stopped to think "hey, maybe its not a good idea to reward welfare families that split up"

A while ago, I knew a guy who was married with kids and was living in a different house than his family so his wife could collect welfare. And get this, the guy was a well paid engineer!!! Go Figure!

Anyhow, I also believe that trash like that don't have the right to live on this planet, and it makes me sick to hear people getting stabbed over something soo stupid.
if any mexican or black ghetto bitch messes with me i got a 45 to reply. then they'll get mase in the eye and 800k volts through their abdomen just for shits. white is right. black is whack.
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