[citation][nom]wild9[/nom]New invention? You go to the cinema and if you make lots of noise, a glass shield erects around your chair - black glass. You can see out, but nobody can see in..so they don't have to, or see your conversation. Make it so that the chair also lowers automatically, so that you're forced not to see over other people's heads in order to watch the film whilst you talk..how do you like being inconvenienced? If the attendants won't do their job then I put forward a motion that someone patents this wonderful use of technology, and initiates production of the said device as soon as possible[/citation]
Too costly. What they need is a voting system and a pair of security guards. If everyone in the theater votes you out for being loud or doing things with your phone then they pause the movie, turn a spotlight on you, and have the guards escort you out. That way you get public humiliation, you can't see who voted you out in the theater, and you lose the movie you paid to see.
To keep this from being a prejudice-targeting thing we'll have security cameras on the ceiling that they can review 5-10 minutes prior to you getting voted out to see if it was legit.