Bought a used laptop that won't boot out of bios, when first booted up it shows serial number and UUID numbers, then I get a 2200 error no vaild serial numbers and 2201 UUID number in valid, and the bios then show no entry for these serial numbers (board machine type blank ,system board blank,UUID number blank. Is computrace causing these issues?
I was able to locate version 1.83 and I get EEPROM Check SUM Error when I try to read or Assign the UUID info and the Board and Type serial numbers.
I'm thinking the Bios is locked in a secure mode with computrace, I sent them a email ,lets see if they respond
I was able to locate version 1.83 and I get EEPROM Check SUM Error when I try to read or Assign the UUID info and the Board and Type serial numbers.
I'm thinking the Bios is locked in a secure mode with computrace, I sent them a email ,lets see if they respond