Convert unlimited amount of multi page TIFF to PDF

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Oct 31, 2015
Hi everyone,

I need to convert thousands of TIFF files (most of them multi page) to PDF's.
I ofcourse want them to become another thousands of PDF's whith each multi page TIFF becoming a multi page PDF.
So I don't want to make 1 PDF file containing thousands of pages and I don't want each page in every multi page TIFF to become a new PDF file.
I've found a way to realize these 2 conditions that I don't want, on all my TIFF's.
I've also found 1 online converter tool that allowed me to perfectly convert my multipage TIFF's to multipage PDF's but only up to 20 files at a time and I need to convert almost 4000 files...
Conclusion: So far I have not found a single converting tool to convert thousands of multipage TIFF files to PDF.

I hope someone can help me with this...
I am willing to pay for it if there are premium products under 20 euros that allow this.

Thanks in advance!
As far as I know (and can see) a PDF printer only prints all files to 1 big pdf document.
And like I described in my question that's not what I need.
If you can give me a way for printing each file to a different PDF document with a PDF printer, I will certainly be helped.

There was nothing on the website other than the free tool so I contacted them but didn't get a reply yet.

Thank you for answering.
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