Copying shows from Series 1 hard drive to computer



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I am going to pull the hard drive from my Sony SRV-2000 and put it in my
computer, in order to capture some shows permanently, without the analog
conversion loss. (This is not for a TiVo upgrade, just for a "rip").

How do I recognize the show files, and identify specific shows? Can you
point me to instructions for doing this?

- David
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David D. wrote:
> I am going to pull the hard drive from my Sony SRV-2000 and put it in
> computer, in order to capture some shows permanently, without the
> conversion loss. (This is not for a TiVo upgrade, just for a "rip").
> How do I recognize the show files, and identify specific shows? Can
> point me to instructions for doing this?

You can't do that.
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> David D. wrote:
> > I am going to pull the hard drive from my Sony SRV-2000 and put it
> my
> > computer, in order to capture some shows permanently, without the
> analog
> > conversion loss. (This is not for a TiVo upgrade, just for a
> >
> > How do I recognize the show files, and identify specific shows?
> you
> > point me to instructions for doing this?
> You can't do that.

I guess that's not completely true. If your "computer" is another
TiVo, then you should just hack your "computer" and install mfs_ftp so
when you move your harddrive to your "computer", you can just use
mfs_ftp to get shows off of it and transfer them to a non-TiVo

If your "computer" isn't another TiVo, then I suggest either looking
into TTG or hacking your TiVo and adding mfs_ftp.
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On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:08:39 -0500, David D. wrote:

> I am going to pull the hard drive from my Sony SRV-2000 and put it in my
> computer, in order to capture some shows permanently, without the analog
> conversion loss. (This is not for a TiVo upgrade, just for a "rip").
> How do I recognize the show files, and identify specific shows? Can you
> point me to instructions for doing this?

The recordings do not exist as files on the TiVo's hard drive, instead
they are stored in the MFS database.

IOW, it's not as simple as you hope.

However, it is possible. Here's a thread at DealDatabase titled 'Direct
extraction from a tivo drive in a pc (not networked)':

It's a long, convoluted thread, so good luck. (If you want to skim, I'd
recommend starting with the first page or so, then skipping to the last
few pages. I haven't read that thread myself [no interest], but that's
usually a good plan in general, IMO.)

One warning: It will be impossible to extract them if the recordings are
scrambled. You'll first need to unscramble them, which is possible, but
only by running software on the TiVo, AFAIK. (For a Series 2, it is much
harder [involving running a custom kernel], but is recently possible as
well.) I'm fairly sure I recall that Series 1 standalone TiVos did _not_
scramble shows by default, but I think that Series 1 DirecTiVos might. I'm
not sure. It may also depend on the software version.

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On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 08:25:55 -0800, in2sheep wrote:

> If your "computer" isn't another TiVo, then I suggest either looking
> into TTG or hacking your TiVo and adding mfs_ftp.

TTG on a Series 1? That's a good joke.

mfs_ftp would work, but direct extraction may be easier, if the OP has no
further need for extraction.

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Ok, let's try a different approach.

If I can get shows from my old Series 1 to my new Series 2, then I can use
TiVo-to-go to extract the pictures.

Does that provide easier options? Can the Series 1 drive be temporarily
added as a second drive on the Series 2, with access to the old Series 1

- David

<> wrote in message
> wrote:
> > David D. wrote:
> > > I am going to pull the hard drive from my Sony SRV-2000 and put it
> in
> > my
> > > computer, in order to capture some shows permanently, without the
> > analog
> > > conversion loss. (This is not for a TiVo upgrade, just for a
> "rip").
> > >
> > > How do I recognize the show files, and identify specific shows?
> Can
> > you
> > > point me to instructions for doing this?
> >
> >
> > You can't do that.
> I guess that's not completely true. If your "computer" is another
> TiVo, then you should just hack your "computer" and install mfs_ftp so
> when you move your harddrive to your "computer", you can just use
> mfs_ftp to get shows off of it and transfer them to a non-TiVo
> computer.
> If your "computer" isn't another TiVo, then I suggest either looking
> into TTG or hacking your TiVo and adding mfs_ftp.
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On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:53:07 -0500, David D. wrote:

> Can the Series 1 drive be temporarily added as a second drive on the
> Series 2, with access to the old Series 1 shows?

Temporarily? No.

Possibly permanently, but not without losing the shows that are already on

In drive extraction is possible, as I mentioned, and in2sheep was right
that mfs_ftp is a good solution (though he seemed to mention it in a way
that said you couldn't do it...). What's wrong with either of those?

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Thanks for hanging in with this thread.

I guess I didn't fully grasp what was being offered. As you said,
in2sheep was a little discouraging.

I assumed that mfs_ftp was a TiVo-based FTP server, and would only be
useful if I upgraded the TiVo with a network adaptor. However, threads on
the forum seem to hint that just having mfs_ftp installed makes direct
extration easier.

On the forum, I followed references to binaries, but without info on
what to do with them. There are other links there that I still need to
follow, which will probably provide that information.

In2sheep also mentioned TTG. I need to do some web research to find
out what that is.

And finally, I have Windows-based PC expertise and hardware expertise,
but I have never used any Unix OSs. I need to create a bootable Linux CD
(which I get from a link from Hinsdale or other tutorial), and I need to
learn enough about Linux to at least understand the TiVo forum threads,
navigate Linux disks and files, and learn the editor and command syntax for
basic Unix commands.

So I am peeling away the onion skins, and trying to determine which path
will be most fruitful before I spend too much time following it.

Thanks again for your advice, and any additional words of wisdom would
certainly be appreciated.

- David

"Lenroc" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:53:07 -0500, David D. wrote:
> > Can the Series 1 drive be temporarily added as a second drive on the
> > Series 2, with access to the old Series 1 shows?
> Temporarily? No.
> Possibly permanently, but not without losing the shows that are already on
> there.
> In drive extraction is possible, as I mentioned, and in2sheep was right
> that mfs_ftp is a good solution (though he seemed to mention it in a way
> that said you couldn't do it...). What's wrong with either of those?
> --
> Lenroc
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David D. <> wrote:

> So I am peeling away the onion skins, and trying to determine which path
> will be most fruitful before I spend too much time following it.

If you want to invest some time in learning some new and fun stuff for
a hobby of messing with your Tivo, then pursuing lengthy research at is your path. And, BTW, you'll get your shows off the
series one.

But _just_ to get some shows off a series one? Just to get that done?
Waste of time. Join Netflix and get the DVDs. Or pick up broadcast or
cablecast repeats of the shows. Or analog copy.
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> In2sheep also mentioned TTG. I need to do some web research to find
> out what that is.

TTG is Tivo-to-go, a new feature found only on most series 2 Tivo's
(those without DVD player/writers). Unfortunately it's a red herring if
you're dealing with a Series 1.

I would have to agree with heymony on the learning curve of digital
extraction hacking. If you are really into learning about Linux and
Tivo and how to hack them, then go ahead and dig through dealdatabase
and hack away! But if you're really only interested in pulling a few
shows off your series 1, then it's a *hell* of a lot of effort to do it,
and it's probably more expedient just to accept the quality degradation
from an analog recording off the Tivo.

Randy S.
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In article <d04h3n$117o$>, Randy S. wrote:
>> In2sheep also mentioned TTG. I need to do some web research to find
>> out what that is.
> TTG is Tivo-to-go, a new feature found only on most series 2 Tivo's
> (those without DVD player/writers). Unfortunately it's a red herring if
> you're dealing with a Series 1.

Minor correction: TTG *is* available on seies 2 Tivos with DVD players
(but not recorders, yet).

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> Minor correction: TTG *is* available on seies 2 Tivos with DVD players
> (but not recorders, yet).
> Jim

Ok, thanks. The details always get you!

Randy S.