why can't anyone just make a laptop with decent graphics and no extra frills for a decent price? i mean, wtf! seriously. gimme an okay cpu, 1 gig of ram, a 120 gig hd or small ssd drive, 1440x900 or so lcd, and a DECENT F-ING GRAPHICS CARD! wtf? seriously. a good 3800 series gpu doesn't cost that flipping much, and with gpu scaling IT DOESN'T CONSUME THAT MUCH POWER ON IDLE. seriously? why the hell can no company make a laptop that has a decent graphics card without jacking it up over 3k dollars... it ticks me off. I don't want the fastest cpu, i don't want 4 gigs of memory, i don't want windows shista... i just want simple, with graphics power for under 1k... NOT THAT HARD! but nobody makes one... anyway, done with my rant... if you can find me one that is acceptable for under 900 bucks... i'll thank you and you can assume that's honest. thanks. 😛