I have an HP Envy laptop. Recently I have been having major problems with the keyboard. It has a mind of its own. Sometimes it will jump to somewhere else in the message and start from there, other times the mouse will automatically highlight anything it is near causing anything typed to be erased. The number pad causes real odd sporadic things. The numbers at the top work perfectly. I am a software developer and hardware tech, so I know there is no problem with the num lock or ins Keyes. I've tried everything I know to do. The laptop is fairly new (Not new enough to be under warranty)
One more oddity, this seems to 99% of the time only happen when typing an email in Outlook 365 or Facebook. Now that I've said that, it seems to be happening in this message, but only the numberpad is affected.
HELP!!! Thanks in advance.
One more oddity, this seems to 99% of the time only happen when typing an email in Outlook 365 or Facebook. Now that I've said that, it seems to be happening in this message, but only the numberpad is affected.
HELP!!! Thanks in advance.