CS Review

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Sep 15, 2010
Hey guys--I work with Adobe, and I'm looking for feedback on one of our new services called CS Review. Have any of you ever heard of or used it before?
the back half of the office is the design team, I only use Dreamweaver.
I'll pass it on however they probably already know, that's how I found the site...
kind of like a 'social' on-line web-based program for you Adobe freaks...
get ideas and share/ preview your work, get feedback.
i guess it's forum-ish...
i have an entire floor of adobe heads at work, i try to slide past them on my way to the tech room... 😗
hey malmental, it seems you have a decent idea of CS Review--have you used it personally? CS Review does have some features that are similar to a forum, though somewhat improved, as they allow for real-time updates and feedback. You can also act on this feedback by using other Creative Suite software like Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator to implement edits. Are any of your co-workers on your floor using CS Review? You should pass it on to them. http://bit.ly/cNIsQ1

Thanks--I appreciate it!
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