D/Dos Attacks While playing Garrys mod. Need to figuire out an way to combat this.


Apr 7, 2015
Alright so i have run into a Small Problem'o. I've been Screwing around While with some m8's and they have been wanting to play Garry's mod as of late. And it seems Some player is mad at us . Anytime we log into the server, our Clients get disconnected / timed out and then our Whole connection to our house's go out. range from 10 mins after we force Shutdown our Pc's to make sure no connection remains connected. to Several hours after. its been quite a problem. at times following from server to server. as a Group we have locked down our In home Routers Ran many Netstats and other monitoring Tools and Blocked Ip's and Limited Gmod to Very Tight ports. And have also Started an list of suspected players that might have been following us around and Dosing us offline making sure to lock our Profiles Private. Remove anyone we dont Know IRL, and Block any suspected Steam ID / Account. Yet the Problems Continue, and i dont want to start Tossing around Ban Hammers till i know who is 100% red handed.

Any info on what the player /players may be using how to combat or at least Detect further or Trace the DDOS or DDOSER is greatly Appreciated. Sorry for the Stupid long Post.

-Thanks for your Time
- Tech
Alright ive gotten to the source of this and figured, since i posted and someone else may come across this issue at some time i would also give my Solution.

I sourced the group of players that Where Dos Attacking us and we found out they had Access to an Garrys-Mod Cheat Called "sethhack" and "DevNull". The first being an typical Cheating software that is able to give you aim hacks. Wall hacks. And also allow you to Ip mine the Ip addresses of anyone on the server. the 2nd of the programs from what i was able to find out about it, is a Program / software Booter that (from my network logs) Uses a Bot-Net Typically located in Africa or areas similar to DDOS you, somehow linked to the steam overlay Process. thus if the player cannot Get...
Alright ive gotten to the source of this and figured, since i posted and someone else may come across this issue at some time i would also give my Solution.

I sourced the group of players that Where Dos Attacking us and we found out they had Access to an Garrys-Mod Cheat Called "sethhack" and "DevNull". The first being an typical Cheating software that is able to give you aim hacks. Wall hacks. And also allow you to Ip mine the Ip addresses of anyone on the server. the 2nd of the programs from what i was able to find out about it, is a Program / software Booter that (from my network logs) Uses a Bot-Net Typically located in Africa or areas similar to DDOS you, somehow linked to the steam overlay Process. thus if the player cannot Get onto the server to Hi-Jack your steam overlay process they cannot boot you so...

after we sourced the players and the Cheating Group that the Players where apart of we went to the point of Steam ID Banning all 400~ members from the server, Most where what seemed to be Alternate accounts or Bot accounts. Now this may seem like a drastic Measure but after we had about 30 people banned for Booting players. Cheating and harassment all apart of this PRIVATE Steam group, we made the Choice to Ban them all. Problems have Since Stopped.
