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Gentlemen, We are speaking of an OSCAR winning actress here! It's true that
I still think of her as &Cher, and that her best perfomance was at Sonny'
funeral, no matter.
Sonny was the brains, except at skiing, He knew what he had, & ran with it.
Even back then, he knew image was everything.
One thing I'm pretty sure of, that &Cher had nothing to do with that effect,
and the effect itself was a "happy accident". You know, when you're fooling
around with new technology, accidents happen!
I know of a singer, I shall call him "Meatball", and after 40 something
tracks to get a "comp vocal", you too might look at Auto-tune as the Holy
Grail. The other posts might tell you how to achieve the effect, but I will
ask you, why would you want to? As for pitch correction, these days, you can
go in and change the pitch on any note you wish without AT, but since AT has
a "sound", that's very well known,, it's still useful to create that sound.
"Troy" <> wrote in message
> definition of the "Cher Effect" = Lots of plastic ,wigs and youger men.
> <> wrote in message
> > "Believe" is imprinted rather well in my mind, but I'm not certain why
> > folks say that the pitch-correction processing on this thing is extreme
> > relative to other pop songs. I _do_ hear all sorts of effects, but I
> > don't hear any obvious "correction".... which presumeably is the goal
> > of a corrector?
> >
> > Can I get a definition of the "Cher Effect"?
> >