Delete unwanted apps from Galaxy Grand Prime

Only apps that have been allowed for deletion by the manufacturer and/or carrier/service provider can be removed from the phone. When you go into "Settings", "Apps", "All" and tap on an app, if the option to uninstall it isn't there, then it can't be uninstalled. Some do give you the option to disable the, but not uninstall them.

If these options aren't there, then the apps can't be removed.
Only apps that have been allowed for deletion by the manufacturer and/or carrier/service provider can be removed from the phone. When you go into "Settings", "Apps", "All" and tap on an app, if the option to uninstall it isn't there, then it can't be uninstalled. Some do give you the option to disable the, but not uninstall them.

If these options aren't there, then the apps can't be removed.