Dell Inspiron n5010 shutting down due to graphics card overheating

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May 18, 2013
Hi all, I know that this issue is very common, Especially with my laptop.
But i would like to ask for some specific help from you guys.
I was playing bioshock infinite, and this ws the first time a game was lagging on my laptop. The latest game i played before bioshock was dead space 3 an it didnt encounter any problems. So i thought of updating my graphics card driver. While it was being installed i saw the BSOD for a fraction of a second and then the system restarted. After the restart , my laptop shut down suddenly due to overheating and since then it constantly does that, someties on the windows screen sometimes when everything has been loaded and sometimes even in the BIOS screen.
Ok so before explaining further i should tell that my laptop has already faced this
shut down problem once due to graphics card an i got the graphics card replaced ( as the repair person told me, if he was telling me the truth ). Since then i have been keeping an eye on my core temperatures , and recently it was regularly going aroung 70-80degrees. Its been only 5 months since the first incident happened and here i am with the same problem.
So this time i decided to check it myself instead of going to the shop yet again. I cleaned up all the dust fro the motherboard, vents , fan etc; i cleaned up the thermal paste of the processor and replaced it with a new one. But even after all of this i still experience the same problem. Right now my graphics card doesnt have a driver installed. I observed that the graphics card was the hottest in my motheboard. So i changed the thermal pad on the heat sink for the graphics card.
After this , the system started, it was running for minimum 10-15 minutes then again it turned off . And now the cable which is used to connect the power push button to the motherboard is damaged due to constant testing which i have been doing, s now i cant even test anymore 🙁
So now i have this hint that this problem is surely due to my graphics card and i really dont want to give it to the shop again. Can i do anything additional to remove this overheating? or should i buy a new laptop which obviously would be expensive for me.
Last but not the least , My laptop specifications :
Dell inspiron 15R n5010
Windows 7 home premium 64bit
Ati radeon HD5470 1GB
i5 processor 2.4GHz
tell me if i need to tell anything extra.
Please help me 🙁
I hope you haven't given up on your Dell Inspiron 15R N5010. I have a small laptop and pc repair sales and service shop and I've seen my share of 5010's I have nearly the same setup as you on my personal laptop and I really like it. I'll try to address your entire post. First...the person who "replace your graphics card" DIDN'T. The graphics processor (GPU) is attached to the mainboard in a Ball Grid Array commonly referred to as BGA. The problem you described usually has on of two repairs made to correct the problem. Both are expensive and time consuming. The most common repair for GPU problems is Re-Flow. This process is done with fairly expensive specialized equipment by forcing temperature controlled hot air over the GPU's ball grid array until the solder softens and when done right repairs the joints that have been affected by high operating temperatures. At best this repair is good for somewhere between a few days and a couple months. The second option is even more expensive and time consuming. It's called Re-Ball. This is performed by a skilled technician with an ultra fine point soldering iron and a steady hand. Each joint is heated to melting point with the soldering iron. This is still typically considered a temporary repair but results are much longer lasting than re-flow. You mentioned you re-applied thermal transfer compound to the CPU and cleaned the heat sync diffuser. You're to be commended. Most people wouldn't get that far on their own. Nothing goes without saying so I'll just remind you that the graphics chip should be treated the same way as the CPU ...anytime you have the heat sync off the GPU and CPU should both get new compound. The old stuff can be easily cleaned off with a Q-tip and Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol. It's important to get the old gunk off because it's thermal transfer properties are ruined the second you pull the heat sync. The 5010 Core i3's run graphics right off the intel HM57 chipset and so the CPU behaves as it's AMD counterpart now called an Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) The 5010 Core i5's also have the Intel HM57 chipset but Dell did not negotiate switchable or dual graphics processing with Intel so the feature is locked on the chipset. Since the question you had was about the driver I'll provide the link to the Dell Support Download page with the driver specific to your system. This is the AMD ATI Catalyst software licensed to dell. The exact same driver can be obtained from the AMD website but I think it'd be good for you to poke around on Dells support site. Download the Dell Support Center software and run each feature to diagnose anything problematic with your computer on the system level. About your power button being worn out. You can find a replacement power button with ribbon connector on EBAY usually around 5 bucks and a few cents in shipping. For my money it's easier , cheaper and easier to just buy the whole palm-rest assembly on Ebay I've purchased 3 of them for other 5010's so far and they're around 20 bucks, tested, guaranteed, with free shipping. The repair manual you can find online as well. There's 1 screw to set the keyboard free. 5 screws under the keyboard and 7 screws in the base and VOILA 2 minutes later you have the palmrest off and back on! I seriously hope this post helps you out. I love my little 15R next laptop is Going to be a Core i7 4th Gen scheduled for 4th quarter next year! Happy Hunting! and If this helped you out please post replay. Here's that driver link.
By the way. Prior to installing the new updated driver and software hit the following link. Follow the steps TO THE LETTER. If you do this you'll get a brand spankin' bright shining sparkly new installation without any conflicts.
I had this problem and my HDD and fan together failed with some small board problems and I got all problems repaired for Rs6000. Try checking all your parts and also heat problems.

I have had this exact problem on my dell inspiron n5010.

at first i diddnt know how to fix it, because i could clearly hear the fan running, but whenever i did an intensive task such as playing star trek online, or star wars empire at war (requires alot of graphics and processor power to play) my laptop would heat up to the point where the keyboard burnt my fingers. after about 5 minutes it would automatically switch off with no warning.

after taking apart the laptop i can happily confirm that its due to dust. there is a tiny vent right next to the fan, this is a HUGE magnet for dust. after clearing away the dust my laptop now works 100% of the time, and better still, it doesnt feel hot anymore, hell, it hardly feels warm, its a 1 cold son of a gun!

so to clarify, ANYONE experiancing overheating on this model, in the way i described, its dust that is completely blocking the vent hole, it only takes 1/4 of a pea size of dust to do so.

if you are a bit shakey about taking apart your laptop, either watch a youtube video on how to do so (i highly recommend this option)

or take it to a professional. but expect to pay £50 or $80 - $100

as for my laptop, it now has no overheating issues, not bad for a core i5 that someone just threw away, luckily my best friends a dustbinman and found it!! im one lucky &%£$&$&

thanks for your time on reading this, and i hope, but know this will help :)

its dust!!
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