Destiny Sequel Already in Works

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Game is too repetitive. Game won't make a year as is and if they don't do something drastic with Destiny 2 that version will not take off. You pay $60 for a game that can be completed in a few hours then you do the same things over and over and over again isn't fun.

Then have the audacity to charge $20 for a raid, a strike, and 3 more story missions?! I'm glad I didn't buy the season pass. The Vault of Glass was hard the first time you did it but once your crew knows what to do it can be completed in less than an hour without any "cheats" or glitches.
With all due respect, I bought this game, and this game is shitty. $64 for a game that I only play 20 minutes maximum. There was a lil bit too much marketing excitement for something that is in my opinion worthless.
While I think Destiny is a fun, its only fun for a little while. As stated by others, paying full price for half a game, then being expected to buy the rest of the game over the next 6 months for another $40 is just too much BS for most people. I'm already put off enough by the first attempt to milk gamers for extra money to even consider a sequel. Pass!
I think i will wait once they sell a 3 pack for 59.99 or something like that.. I can wait a few years, from the looks of it im not missing much, but I am definitely saving a lot of money.
I Love the game.. I play quite a bit.. the story is repetitive.. but I'm the type of player who likes to get different types of weapons and level them up. or try a different class of character. plus I tend to play with friends online a lot so.. it keeps it fresh and fun. Most people whine and complain that the story is only a few hours long.. but will go out to the movies and drop 60 bucks without blinking an eye for the same old plot lines played by different actors and the movie is usually 90 min at most.
They should feel guilty as FK for putting out that garbage game and having it sell that much just because they didn't allow reviewers to have a copy before release because they knew it would get awful reviews just like it did.
But instead they think like ,awe we got these sheeps lets get them again.
Hopefully the sequel has a story and amounts to more than 3 hours and 30 minutes of "Walk here and deploy ghost"
The game engine itself and the technology surrounding it, is amazing. The story aspects and overall structure of how the game is set up? Not quite what people hoped for it seems. Although it is funny how everyone seems to complain about the repetitive nature of the game when a great many of games are like that today; most notably the MMO genre (which is pretty much only farming to move to the next part of the game). But this is an fps game where the main goal is to shoot things. That won't get old right?

Anyways this game did have a huge budget and was in the works for almost half a decade so it is fair to say that after all the excitement people expected more than what they were promising. But in terms of campaign length for a shooter of this style, Bungie would be really hard pressed to give a long feature length epic on a brand new IP.

Really I think everyone should just go read up on the technology that the engine is using. It's quite impressive and I think that and the marketing is where most of the dollars went.
HAHAHA. All the hype and the folks at Activision pushing the fact that this game is going to last 20 years. Now they're working on a sequel already. Stop making sequels to progessive online multiplayer games. Take a page out of WoW's book. Yes I hate that game but you have to admit they've done amazing things.
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