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John in Detroit wrote:
> jpmist wrote:
> > My ISP got back to me and confirmed that the DNS numbers I'd
plugged into
> > the Replay were correct.
> >
> > Certainly could be the wireless bridge, but the coincedence of the
> > connection going down at the same time my ISP switched over to
PPPoE is
> > hard to let go.
> >
> > I'll give connecting my laptop to the Replay next and see what
happens. . .
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > In article <>,
> > Mark Lloyd <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 12:36:57 -0500, jpmist
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Thanks, Mark, for the reply. . .
> >>>
> >>>I've e-mailed my ISP about the DNS numbers, dunno yet, they're
> >>>silent after my followup to their initial response.
> >>>
> >>>Can I use my network? Yeah, everything but the Replay works as it
> >>>before.
> >>
> >>If you can access the web, by entering a URL such as ""
> >>can tell that DNS is working on that machine.
> >>
> >>
> >>>But I can't find the DNS numbers anywhere in my Mac system.
> >>
> >>They should be there somewhere, although I don't have a Mac so I'm
> >>sure just where. In Windows you use the "IPCONFIG" command. Also,
> >>people here use a router, that would be the best place to look.
> >>
> >>
> >>>The
> >>>System doesn't list the numbers in any of my settings, referring
to them as
> >>>optional.
> >>>
> >>
> >>It's probably set to obtain them automatically (DHCP), so you don't
> >>set them there. Where are they coming from? Also, what happens when
> >>you set the Replay to do the same, then reboot it? Since you're
> >>dealing with an extra complication (the wireless link), the problem
> >>could be there. Try using a regualr (wired) connection, at least
> >>temporarily.
> >>
> >>
> >>>I've no idea how PPPoE works, but if it's working around, or
changing the
> >>>DNS numbers then I'm toast. . .
> >>>
> >>>"This connection". . . Are you referring to the wireless bridge
to the
> >>>Replay?
> >>
> >>Unable to tell from a quote out of context, but looking below it
> >>obviously your internet connection.
> >>
> >>
> >>>If so, yeah, it works.
> >>
> >>But is DNS working on it? That's the problem. You may need to
change a
> >>setting on it, or (even better), try removing that complication and
> >>use a cable.
> >>
> >>
> >>>When doing an auto switch to ethernet, the
> >>>Replay can find my Airport network cause it lists an IP address,
the subnet
> >>>and Gateway. The network connection fails because it can't connect
to the
> >>>DNS server.
> >>>
> >>
> >>I still say, get rid of that complication (wireless) and try it
> >>You may want to go back to wireless, but at least you will have
> >>located the problem.
> >>
> >>Much of troubleshooting is using your intelligence.
> >>
> >>
> >>>In article <>,
> >>>Mark Lloyd <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>>My DSL ISP converted to PPPoE a month ago which somehow broke my
> >>>>>bridge network connection I had for my 5040. It was working fine
prior to
> >>>>>that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>When I select to have it automatically set up, it successfully
finds a
> >>>>>network connection, but goes the whole 90 seconds to verify
network and
> >>>>>then tell me that it gets no response from the name server.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I've tried manually setting the name server numbers I have off
my ISP's
> >>>>>web site, but each time I get "not reachable" for my DNS Server
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Dunno what else to try 'cept double check the DNS server numbers
with my
> >>>>>ISP. Anybody?
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>It's likely that those were changed when they went to using
PPPoE. The
> >>>>website may be out of date.
> >>>>
> >>>>Are you able to use this connection from ANY device on your
> >>>>(preferably wired)? If so, does it have the same DNS addresses as
> >>>>Replay?
> >>>
> >>>___________________________
> >>>
> >>>jpmis* speedfactory * net
> >>>___________________________
> >>
> >>--
> >>Mark Lloyd
> >>has a Replay 5xxx
> >>http

> >>http

> >>
> >>"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
> >>paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
> >>anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh
> >
> >
> > ___________________________
> >
> > jpmis* speedfactory * net
> > ___________________________
> I'm guessing your Replay configuration is not correct. If you are
> connecting the replay via a wireless bridge to a router, the router
> should be doing all the DNS and PPoE work, the replay should be given
> the router's address as the DNS, ie: (In the case of
> routers among, I'm sure, others) You would only need to give the
> the ISP's dns address if it's connecting direct to the broadband
> or using dial up
Hi John,
Here's something else to try. I use Verizon FIOS as my ISP but they
all use PPoE and my Replays stopped working after the switch. Mark is
right in assuming that your D-Link router will have the default address
of It will also have a default username/password which
I'll give you if you'll e-mail me directly (for your protection). What
you'll want to do here just to take all of the factors out of the
equation is to specify your IP address on your ReplayTV. This is
accomplished through Menu-->Setup-->Network Settings-->Change to
Manual. Specify any IP address starting with 192.168.0, such as Chances are, you previously had an IP address for the
Replay starting with 192.168.1. This would cause the problem you are
mentioning. Anyhow, unless you can log into your router (type in your web browser) then you are dead-in-the-water. Let
me know how it goes!