Different sounds from computer and TV


Sep 20, 2017
So I use a TV as a monitor as I am poor and can't afford a monitor itself. So firstly I put my headset into the computer and it doesnt work right, so I decide, Ill just use the tv to input it in to, couple months go past, now I plugged the headset back into the computer and it works, however the sound is a lot different than it is to the tv's sound. It doesnt matter what headset, earphones, headphones I use, the sound from my computer output is a lot different from the tv output. I dont know what to do about it?
Make sure that the PC is set to 2.0 stereo (no subwoofer). If it was sending all the lows to a non existent sub it would sound thinner and "higher pitched".
The audio output from the TV is probably via HDMI and may not be affected by this setting.

Its sounds higher pitch in a way, im not really sure how to describe it. Best way is I think it is a higher pitch than the tv