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More info?)
Toby <> writes:
> On 2004-12-07, Michael Meissner <> wrote:
> > Toby <> writes:
> >
> >> The worst thing about my digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 775) is the delay
> >> when you turn it on. Are digital cameras instant-on yet?
> >
> > If you are going in situations where you might use the camera, consider using
> > an external battery like the DPS-9000 that Ritz/Wolf sells (or sold in the
> > past). Because it mimics an AC adpator, most cameras don't go to sleep. I
> > find I get about 4 hours or so of continous use on my Olympus C-2100UZ. I
> > really like carrying the camera in my hand, bringing it up to eye level,
> > shooting, and then putting it back down, often before the subjects realize I've
> > taken their pictures.
> >
> > I would imagine many newer cameras are faster than the Coolpix 775. But the
> > ones with really fast turn on times might give you sticker shock when coming
> > from a 775 (ie, Canon 20D).
> >
> Thinking further, there's another 0.5sec delay from pressing the shutter and
> waiting for the autofocus to do it's thing. I guess that is also reduced
> these days?
Some cameras are faster than before, but to get reasonably fast autofocus times
you need to go to a DSLR and a good lens. To get really fast autofocus times
you need to go to a pro level DSLR (Canon 1D mark 2/1Ds mark 2, Nikon D2H/D2X,
etc.) and a pro lens.
> And what's sticker shock?
I assume you already know the answer, but in case you don't, a Canon 20D sells
for $1,499.95 without any lenses or memory cards. I think a Canon 1D mark2
goes for $4,499.95 body only, and a 1Ds mark 2 is around $8,000 body only.
Quality lenses will often times cost more than the camera body.
Michael Meissner