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"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
> *************************
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> ........... Phil
I'm wondering what kind of person feels so powerless in their own life that
they turn to a place like usenet for some measure of power. You differ from
'normal' trolls in that you appear to be a real person and you only use one
address to post from. So your motivation isn't to destroy the group, as some
kids get their jollies doing over in alt. You seem to try and help some of
the newer members of the forum while attempting, as best as you can, to
insult the 'die-hards'. This is a classic usenet 'divide and conquer'
strategy, but unsuccessful for you as your posting style is uncharismatic in
all ways.
I'm really interested in usenet culture, and I'm writing a dissertation, so
I have a few questions.
1) Are you married? Have you ever been married?
2) What do you do for a living? What is your job title?
3) How much money do you make?
4) Do you come from a single parent household?
5) Do you have fond memories of childhood?
6) Are you affiliated with a political party? If so, what?
7) Are you affiliatd with a religious group, if so, which?
8) Have you ever wounded an animal? If so, why?
9) Do you watch TV? What are your favorite shows?
10) How much sugar do you consume in a day? Caffeine? Alcohol? Canabis?
Cocaine? Heroin?
11) Have you ever been incarcerated? If so, why?
12) Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?
13) Which testacle hangs lower, the right or the left?
Thanks Phil, I know you're the helpful type so I'll just thank you in
advance for your speedy answering.