Direct X


Oct 8, 2011
Hey guys(and gals), I was wondering if it's possible to select Direct X 9, 10 and 11 to run various simulators and games. My laptop (Acer Aspire 7551) came with DX11, but some of my older flight simulators will only run on DX9 or 10. Is there a way to select the DX I want, restart and run my games with as little hassle as possible? I'm not even sure where the Direct X files are located in a Win 7/64 directory structure. Any suggestions?

aputech (auxiliary power unit technician)
Games won't run in the DX version they don't support. So far, no Flight Simulator runs in DX11. FSX has DX10 (if Acceleration expansion is installed and you enable it in game option), the others versions run in DX9.

Pyree, thanks for the reply. Does this mean that while my pc is running DX11, FSX launches DX10 from withng the game?

Pyree, I also wanted to add that I'm running FSX with SP2, no Acceleration, and have run it on this PC since the beginning of July this year. I also run Warbirds Dogfights and Jane's Attack Squadron. When I want to run Air Warrior II & III, I have to use either DX7 or 8. Is there a way to simplify running these "legacy" programs with a script that will let me select the version of DX I wish to run?


Some versions of Win 7 don't have the newest DX files (or at least don't appear to be) which prevents some older games from running. The web installer link I posted above updates all DX files to the newest version. I've had to do this for a few computers.