Discreet 1060 or eGPU with 1060?

Jul 29, 2018
Looking at what to do for when I go to college to game/school work.

Should I get a gaming laptop with a GTX 1060 or go with a laptop with a high end CPU and get a external GPU and put in my existing 1060 that is in my rig to go with it? Didn't really want to go with taking my whole gaming rig to a dorm.
I would look for the best of both worlds...

A laptop with a GTX 1060 and a USB-C port that also supports Thunder Bolt 3. When the GTX 1060 is no longer good enough to play games with, you can augment it with an eGPU. Note that there is roughly a 10% performance difference between the desktop and mobile GTX 1060. That is pretty small compared to desktop / mobile GPUs sharing similar names in the recent past.