Do any cameras actually store the settings?

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Mar 1, 2009
My mother has a Nikon Coolpix L100 and hates it because every time she puts batteries in it nags about settings. Why the hell wouldn't they store settings on the SD card so all you have to do is power on and shoot??? She needs something with real good zoom to shoot things on the farm, but she's techno-illiterate/phobic, and I want nothing to do with these things beyond initial setup and the occasional picture transfer to PC.
Your secondary clock battery is likely depleted and that's why it's "resetting". Usually you can replace it by following the instructions in the manual.

Also, if you did not set it up properly the first time, it will ask again.


Mar 1, 2009

It always did it, even when it was new. Like I said, it makes no senses the settings aren't on the damn SD card. I swear all technology is doing is going backwards and complicating things that used to be simple. An old school camera doesn't give a shit what time it is or have a bunch of BS settings. The fact the camera can't simply power on in "easy auto" or whatever by default and just leave the settings for us to find if we want them is stupid. It shouldn't nag for setup anyway. Everyone knows the things have settings. Anyone who knows enough to want to screw with them can find the damn things themselves.

go buy a disposable then!

The issue is the internal clock almost all the time, you probably just had a bad battery from the start. You should have RMA'ed the thing when you first noticed the issue!

If you are looking for a replacement, basically anything from nikon, canon, and sony works fine, and all low end point and shoots default to full auto all the time. is a good start

If the settings were saved on the SD card, when that got full or was taken out, you'd lose the settings. Every camera I used saved the settings between battery changes. I had two Nikon cameras, including one of the first digital cameras they did, the 950 with a cool swivel body, and it saved clock settings and such with no issues.


Mar 1, 2009

Who the hell would use the camera without the SD card? and why would it be stupid enough to erase them when it gets full? That's not a valid argument.

Never said card would be erased, I know many people that keep several SD cards they use in cameras, especially if they are small sizes. I have 3 in my camera case, if the settings were on there I'd have to not only set up the camera 3 times, if I used the cards in other cameras the settings would be read wrong. The point was that the cameras do save the settings, even without the battery. You just happened to have an issue that was not taken care of.

As far as a good zoom in a point and shoot, this should be OK, has a good optical zoom, digital zoom ratings are just about useless since they distort the image a lot!pla!!!120266498199!g!!81402196719&kpid=3839052&k_clickid=5865e13c-c0f9-4cfd-807c-8eb36478bd3a&lsft=ref:212,loc:1&ksid=5865e13c-c0f9-4cfd-807c-8eb36478bd3a&ksprof_id=14&ksaffcode=pg10926&ksdevice=c
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