Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.zlr (More info?)
Time has come to upgrade my old Nikon Coolpix 995. It isn't so much
the 3 MP as the shutter lag that I'm fed up with. I originally thought
of geting a DSLR, but I have decided that I can wait for a couple of
new models still of those, and by a zlr while I wait.
I'm hesitating between the Panasonic FZ20 and Nikon Coolpix 8800. I do
a bit of bird-shooting, and would love to do more on-the-fly, so a
long tele zoom and IS is a must. On the other hand I like to shoot
people without them being aware of my shooting them, for more natural
expressions, particularly in boys from six to sixteen or so. This
could of course be done with the tele zoom, but at closer quarters, an
LCD display on twistable hinge - or the swivel construction of my old
c995 - helps _a lot_. I'm actually leaning towards the 8800 primarily
for this reason, although it is almost $500 more expensive - here in
Sweden anyway - and has a shorter tele zoom which is slower at the
tele end and dosen't seem to be better optically, either. (The other
advantages with the c8800 are nice, but not a priority.) If this is
silly, then somebody please tell me off - and explain why it is silly.
However, a 35 mm equivalent of 380 mm - or even the 438 mm of the FZ20
- isn't all that much for shooting birds, so a teleconverter would be
handy. (Indeed, I have Nikon's 3x teleconverter fr my c995, so I know
that there are lots of things you can't shoot even with 456 mm for
focal range reasons alone) and 38 mm is not wide angle, really, but
just on the wide side of normal, so a wide angle converter would come
in handy too, come to think about it.
Now, both the c8800 and the FZ20 have dedicated teleconverters, but
they are quite expensive. I saw in another thread that one could use
the considerably cheaper Olympus TLC-17 for FZ20. Are there any
cheaper teleconverters around that would work - and give a decent
result - on a Coolpix 8800?
Jan Böhme
Korrekta personuppgifter är att betrakta som journalistik.
Felaktigheter utgör naturligtvis skönlitteratur.
Time has come to upgrade my old Nikon Coolpix 995. It isn't so much
the 3 MP as the shutter lag that I'm fed up with. I originally thought
of geting a DSLR, but I have decided that I can wait for a couple of
new models still of those, and by a zlr while I wait.
I'm hesitating between the Panasonic FZ20 and Nikon Coolpix 8800. I do
a bit of bird-shooting, and would love to do more on-the-fly, so a
long tele zoom and IS is a must. On the other hand I like to shoot
people without them being aware of my shooting them, for more natural
expressions, particularly in boys from six to sixteen or so. This
could of course be done with the tele zoom, but at closer quarters, an
LCD display on twistable hinge - or the swivel construction of my old
c995 - helps _a lot_. I'm actually leaning towards the 8800 primarily
for this reason, although it is almost $500 more expensive - here in
Sweden anyway - and has a shorter tele zoom which is slower at the
tele end and dosen't seem to be better optically, either. (The other
advantages with the c8800 are nice, but not a priority.) If this is
silly, then somebody please tell me off - and explain why it is silly.
However, a 35 mm equivalent of 380 mm - or even the 438 mm of the FZ20
- isn't all that much for shooting birds, so a teleconverter would be
handy. (Indeed, I have Nikon's 3x teleconverter fr my c995, so I know
that there are lots of things you can't shoot even with 456 mm for
focal range reasons alone) and 38 mm is not wide angle, really, but
just on the wide side of normal, so a wide angle converter would come
in handy too, come to think about it.
Now, both the c8800 and the FZ20 have dedicated teleconverters, but
they are quite expensive. I saw in another thread that one could use
the considerably cheaper Olympus TLC-17 for FZ20. Are there any
cheaper teleconverters around that would work - and give a decent
result - on a Coolpix 8800?
Jan Böhme
Korrekta personuppgifter är att betrakta som journalistik.
Felaktigheter utgör naturligtvis skönlitteratur.