Do not install Via4in1 under XP


Sep 24, 2001
I uninstalled the 4.38 via 4 in 1s for XP and found my computer no longer restarting in 3d games.

I use the 28.32 nvidia reference with gf3 and now the computer is rock solid again. just thought i'd let you know in case your wondering why your system isnt stable or if you looked into the 4in1s for xp.

Athlon XP 1700+,KT266A,Geforce3, Audigy.. 'nuff said.
The 4.38's were made for XP problems but guess what? They don't work.
It's best to use the drivers that come with the XP CD.
I have not had any problems with my Asus A7V266-E and the stock drivers
with XP.

:smile: <b><font color=green>I took an I.Q. test came back negative.</font color=green></b> :smile:
So far, I'm gonna have to vouch for this as well. I didn't install any newer versions of the Via 4-in-1 drivers, and haven't had any problems of freezing.

The thing is that the <A HREF="" target="_new">Via Hardware</A> website says not to use these drivers <font color=red>unless you're having problems</font color=red>. So, I'll be sure to add that to my site...

<font color=red><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> - My Windows XP-based Website</font color=red>
Very interesting.

I'd just like to note that I installed the 4.37(a) 4-in-1 driver set on my Duron system with WinXP a couple of months ago, and haven't experienced any kind of problems. I wonder if this issue is 4.38(2)v(a) specific, or if this only causes problems with particular mainboards and chipsets? My Giga-Byte GA-7VTXE+ VIA KT266A mainboard seems to like 'em.

Note: I did have to add an updated 4.10 AGP driver, but I expected that.

Not trolling, ya know ... not my style. But I would like to hear about what happened to your system when you installed the drivers, if you don't mind ... just for the sake of accumulated information. Hard lockups? Infinite loops, or rebooting?

Thanks ...


<font color=red>My Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Tantalizing Tantric Toy</font color=green></A>
<font color=red>Second Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toey's Dynamite DDR Duron</font color=green></A>

<font color=purple>"Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."</font color=purple>
Toey I keep up with Asus boards as best I can. The WinXP problems seen to be more of a problem with
the later Asus MBs. For some reason, the drivers that come witn the XP os seem to provide more a more
stable system. Owner experience random blue screens lockups that point toward various hardware stop errors.
These occur on both Win2k and WinXP pro or home.
The only other major problem with the MB is they, like other MBs, don't like more than 2 sticks of DDR regardless
of brand. These problems seem to be the worse with the Asus 266 and 266e chipsets. Bottom line is: if you want to
OC any at all, don't use more than 2 sticks of ram with any OS.

:smile: <b><font color=green>I took an I.Q. test came back negative.</font color=green></b> :smile:
Thanks for the info and the response!

Apparently I avoided a few potential problems by installing the Giga-Byte board.

By the way ... I haven't had any problems with installing more than 2 sticks of DDR on a board, as long as the memory was registered. However, I rarely overclock a customer's computer, and as a result, I don't know how the memory would react to different kinds of timings, increased latency, and faster bus speeds. I take the safe route if someone is paying me.

I see some experimentation is in order.

Thanks again ...


<font color=red>My Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Tantalizing Tantric Toy</font color=green></A>
<font color=red>Second Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toey's Dynamite DDR Duron</font color=green></A>

<font color=purple>"Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."</font color=purple>
I like my Asus A7V266-e but it has been somewhat disapointing compared to past Asus boards I have used.
The board is stable but I was expecting more. I might look toward Abit or Giga-Byte next time.

:smile: <b><font color=green>I took an I.Q. test came back negative.</font color=green></b> :smile:
Im using the latest 4in1's (4.38) without any issues under win XP Pro and with 3D games.Whilst i know ASUS boards are up their with the best in performance, since owning several recent models myself i found them not to good for compatibility (eg. issues with power management etc). see my specs below, this system is rock solid!

Athlon XP1800+ @140MHZ
Jetway KT266A mainboard
512MEG kingston DDR CL2 @140MHZ
Soundblaster Live!
Leadtek Gforce 3 TI 200
Windows XP Pro (clean install months ago)
the list goes on........
I use xp pro, and have an ad11 mobo, and installed 4in1 drivers. My RAID's performance went up, and it more steady, and I haven't had ANY porblems. I installed the 4.38's.

Sig of the week.
Is anyone using the 4n1's *AND* the miniport driver? Or strictly the 4n1's?
And, how about vcards that support sidebanding/4x/fastwrites?

My Dos8 side does really good with the 4.37's and the miniports loaded. I have a friend who's 8kha+ totally suxx with just the 4n1's, but as soon as I loaded the miniports, all problems ceased under Dos8.

I'm with the "no 4n1's with Nt5.1" group, myself. As soon as I chucked those, Nt5.1 and my Plextor burner cruised more stable than I've ever seen it. I think I got a little over 53 hours uptime one weekend before I restarted just to get some speed back. And gawd knows I stressed it *that* weekend. But I'm not using a promise raid, I'm just running a couple of old drives and a NT soft-span. And Hdtach didn't show me any IDE difference between the two, or at least, no difference between the numbers of storage review and my 120gxp.