Does Clonezilla exists? Or is it a hoax?

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Sep 26, 2006
Ok, so I need clonezilla in order to upadte my notebooks hard drive to a SSD, wich has windows vista and linux dualbooting. I try finding Clonezilla to download and run, but it does not exists. There is a clonezilla page wich tells about it, but no actually software is there to be used.

According to the website, there is a llink to somehting called Tuxboot wich should be an easy way to install clonzilla on a usb drive, a must for me as my notebook doenst have a DVD-Drive. But the tuxboot thingy is a hoax also.

And method 2 according to the clonezilla website is to manually download a ZIP file and extract to the USB drive. They give 8 diferent programs to downlad, and when you click on them, they all take you to the same page with the same application to be downloaded, so its the same actually. And when you download the application, its a CD burner!!! Like Nero!!!

Clonezilla doesnt exists, Im serious about this. This isnt trolling and I need help/advice on a great disk cloning software.
Glad you got it working. There are other cloning utilities out there, but clonezilla has never let me down and it's one of the few that lets you use a bootable USB. Most are CD/DVD based.

Just for more info... using the ISO file to create a bootable CD/DVD is much simpler than creating a bootable USB.


Sep 26, 2006
I said above, I need to install this on a USB drive, my notebook does not have a DVD-drive.

Now, grumpy my friend, have you actually downloaded the link? Its a CD media creator, not clonezilla. I clicked on "Download clonezilla-live-20110721-natty.iso (113.2 MB)" Should I click some place else? Is there something else that needs to be done? Im running Windows Vista, btw



Sep 26, 2006
Guys thanks for the posts, but again.......your guys are providing me the links.....has any one actually DOWNLOADED THE SOFTWARE??? I trieed and it DOENST EXIST, still trying for like 10th time....

I hope Im not being boring about this, but I cant seem to find how to download that tuxtboot software, wich were suposed to make easy to run clonezilla under winodws, and if you go on method 2, the clonezilla file is a CD creator.

I welcome anyone to download and see for yourself. Im dead serious

Ok, here is what I got so far, I downloaded clonezillalive.iso....and that thing is a CD creator....its said I have to extract to a USB drive, how do I do that? Opening it does not resolve the matter and right clicking does not give me an extract option...btw, wasnt it suposed to be a ZIP file according to the website? Its a dead end!!


Sep 26, 2006
Ok, Im seeing a small light a the end of a very long tunel. I was able to extract the files to the USB flash drive, after I downloaded and installed winzip....amazing that windows does not come with a unzip utility...and amazing that nothing is said on the website about needing this particular software in order to complete installation. Anyway, files are extracted to the flash drive.

Now, its said that I need to click on the makeboot.bat in the dir utils\win32\ and then follow on screen instructions. Well, when I click on it, I dont get any new screens. I can see a flash of a screen similar do DOS for half of a second, then its gone and system is idle.....what now??


It's a DOS based utility. Open a command prompt, switch to the directory utils\win32 then run the program from the command prompt.

The ISO is used to build a bootable CD/DVD which can then be used to clone the drive. In your case, you need to create a bootable USB using one of the mentioned utilities and the zip version of clonezilla.

...and yes, I've used clonezilla several times before and have had no problems. The last time I used it was about 6 months ago so I don't remember all the details. I however created the bootable CD/DVD version, not the USB version.


Sep 26, 2006
Ok, finally did it. Fist chapter completed. You see, I needed to create a second partition inside the drive, altough it was FAT already. And It needed to be loaded solely with the clonezilla program, the first time, it had some personall files. It would be nice if clonezilla had a more detailed instruction guide. I was able to make the USB bootable!!!

BTW, what a soap opera to change to a SSD...There should have been a equivalent to Time Machine on the Windows/Linux world, its simply ON/OFF for cloning

thanks for all the help, I consider this closed.


Glad you got it working. There are other cloning utilities out there, but clonezilla has never let me down and it's one of the few that lets you use a bootable USB. Most are CD/DVD based.

Just for more info... using the ISO file to create a bootable CD/DVD is much simpler than creating a bootable USB.
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