Does kt-600 unlock Multi?!


May 24, 2002
Well after much research I've decided to go with the Epox 8KRA2+ mobo with the kt-600 (price concerns, I know the nforce2 is much better). However, the one thing I can't find a definitive answer on is whether or not this board/chipset unlocks the multiplier on a barton (2500+) cpu? Also, does anyone actually have this board that could give me some advice? Thanks a lot for the help!
it does not need to, the bartons are factory unlocked. However only the high or low multis are selectable depending on your cpu you will have multis 12.5 and below unlocked or 13 and above unlocked. Your barton 2500+ has multis 12.5 and below unlocked.

If it isn't a P6 then it isn't a procesor
110% BX fanboy
Great, thanks for the info! Thats fine for me if the lower multis are unlocked.. if I push the cpu fsb to 400, I would probably need to lower the multiplier, so that works out.
I do not think it unlocks them for older fully multiplier locked cpu's (palamino, duron etc...) but the barton will be fine.

If it isn't a P6 then it isn't a procesor
110% BX fanboy