[citation][nom]klavis[/nom]That is a ludicrous amount of money for a point and click game.[/citation]
the more put in, the higher the production value. it will be like it went from good enough, to hd visuals and full voice acting.
[citation][nom]keczapifrytki[/nom]If you pledge money to the kickstarter project, will you receive a game once it is made, or will you get a share of profits?[/citation]
depends on if they offer it, you could get anything from a "this is a good idea, i want to help but dont need it (think life saveing device that doesnt apply to you)
you get full product (a comic that is being completely funded for printing is doing that)
to stock in the company (not sure, but i bet thats an option on some)
kickstarter is all about getting funding to start something, and some of these may not be a physical product.