downloaded UD, would I make a difference?


Sep 24, 2001
I downloaded UD on both of my machines, a Athlon 1700+ (listed below) and a P4 1.4ghz. I havent joined any group yet.

I set my profile to work only when the screen saver is on, and I usually leave my systems on all day and night. I also do both the smallpox and cancer research, the cancer hitting close to home and the smallpox I find equally important.

My member name on UD is kinney82

maybe I wasnt paying attention but I wish there was some kind of advertisement for UD on toms frontpage.. I think this stuff is very important, especially when people usually just waste electricity and their PCs lifespan idling away!

Once question, looks like this company makes money possibly off this? If so, I want no part in it and want to find another 'grid' to support.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by kinney on 07/10/03 00:47 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
No they don't make any real money in this (UD does but I don't think they make real profit with it.. they just earn enough money to keep everything running (otherwise no-one would do it) but THG doesn't earn anything). I think most distributed computing works this way... otherwise you only loose money and almost no-one start a distributed computing project.

Anyway you can easily set it to run all time in the background... this wont slow down your PC at all. And join our team to help support us in the crunching contest.

I love my Delta 60HP 7000 RPM fan that puts out more dB then CFM 😱
maybe I wasnt paying attention but I wish there was some kind of advertisement for UD on toms frontpage

There is a little blurb on Toms front page, on the left side just below the info about Tom's Hardware Guide Community and above the "Add us to Your Favorites!" and the pair logo.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My System Rig</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark03</A>
They don't really make money off of it NOW, but if you find a cancer vaccine, then they can make as much as they want off of it. It's basically for drug companies.

SETI is, as far as I know, the only DC effort that is completely for research and non-profit only. I give props to that, as well as for being the originators of the DC idea, and for being fellow astronomers (well, I'm still in training, but...) :)

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Although IMHO SETI is almost totally useless... the chance we find any signal of life is close to zero. But ofcourse we do find pulsars and stuff.

I love my Delta 60HP 7000 RPM fan that puts out more dB then CFM 😱
I like the idea of helping out for cancer research but NOT for drug companies who invent drugs for nonexistant illnesses.
I do find the anthrax research (although for the US Government), a little less self serving.
At least if I find an anthrax cure, they won't deny it to the general populace (and if they did, we should start shooting).

I originally downloaded SETI but didnt like the option, run when screen saver is active and when a program is maximized. It made me wonder if it was turning itself on when I was playing a game fullscreen?

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500
SETI started the entire DC idea, so there goes your idea of it being useless. It has found numerous new radio contacts, and once the southern hemisphere has been searched, the array will be turned over to acadaemia. Grad students and professors will be able to run their supercomputer simulations over the already built seti network.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Well as soon as they stop searching for something which can't be find and hand it out for almost free to people it will certaintly start to interest me.

I love my Delta 60HP 7000 RPM fan that puts out more dB then CFM 😱
It is actually a Smallpox research. You might have heard about the Pox virus that defistated Europe a century ago and is now as good as eridicated. There are already vaccins for it, but now the USA wants a direct cure method for the case someone uses it as a weapon against them... atleast that is what they want us to beleive.

No Smallpox crunching for me!

I love my Delta 60HP 7000 RPM fan that puts out more dB then CFM 😱