EA Promo Code Unlocked Most Origin Games, Not Just One

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[citation][nom]matus_grinvalsky[/nom]That was really bad execution on EA's side. I think they should find a way how to contact customers that had not redeemed their code and send them new one that could be used just once.On the other hand, I am surprised that users abusing flaw are not called for what they are - THIEVES. I see no difference between what they did and somebody stealing from a shop when shopkeeper is not looking (or to be precise, to take more than they paid for).[/citation]

oh, hello, do you want a free game?
here you go
come again
oh you can get another free game, here you go, come again
ect ect

i cant see them as theives, the system was broken to begin with... 1 code useable by everyone, for every game... this was so retardedly stupid on their part i cant call fault with people who took advantage of it.

only reason i didnt get in on it was fear i may have been charged in the future.
Somehow i think EA dosent give a ____ about angry customers. They havent cared for quite a long time. While this move (free game for survey) was withouth a doubt a great way to redeem their image, poor execution made it even worse...
this used to happen before. When BF3 came out they would do the same, and those codes could be re-used multiple times too.

I speak from experience 😉
This is on the EA forum now

Hi everyone,

Last week, we emailed some Origin users in North America asking them to participate in an online survey, and offered a promo code for $20 off their next Origin purchase in return for completing the survey. Unfortunately, due to some misuses of the promo code, we had to discontinue its use early before its stated expiration date.

We wanted to clear up the confusion: all users that completed the survey will receive an email soon (in the next 1-2 days) which will contain a new code for $20 off a purchase of any EA game on Origin priced $19.99 or above.

Thank you again to all users that took the time to provide us with feedback about Origin.
[citation][nom]kcorp2003[/nom]i was wondering when you would write an article on this. yep.. me and the guys from MordorHQ got a whole lot of free games. i got like 8 games i wanted.[/citation]
Can't wait for EA to delete 7 of them for you :)
I can't believe the level of immaturity on these articles sometimes. It wouldn't matter if it was EA, DICE, Bungie, Microsoft Game Studios (dissolved), Ensemble Studios (dissolved), theft is theft. You can't pick and choose because somewhere in the broken logic and "EA made me feel like an idiot for the stupid purchase I made" mentality. Oh because the system was broken, that makes it OK? You're all right, and that's why major corporations barely pay any taxes while you see hundreds of dollars missing from every pay cheque.

That's OK though! The system was broken anyway!

No amount of your fanboyism justifies being a freaking tool. "We ruined it for future promotions by taking crap that didn't belong to us and abusing a small loophole that, in all reality, should have been reported!"

You know why the game industry is crap? Because of simple, underachieving morons like yourselves who believe they shouldn't have to lift a finger or earn a damn thing because of your self entitlement issues. EA sucks, sure. But so will the next company that follows them, and so on and so on and why? Because cheap KIDS like yourselves who don't think they should be held to the same standards as everyone else.

Get off the Internet.
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]oh, hello, do you want a free game?here you gocome againoh you can get another free game, here you go, come againect ecti cant see them as theives, the system was broken to begin with... 1 code useable by everyone, for every game... this was so retardedly stupid on their part i cant call fault with people who took advantage of it. only reason i didnt get in on it was fear i may have been charged in the future.[/citation]
Great. So if your front door is slightly ajar and not locked, you're cool with people coming in and taking your stuff.

After all, since you didn't execute closing up your house properly, it's not thievery. Thanks!
EA game aren't even worth the 0$ price tag. I had even heard about it while it was going on, and didn't even bother...

Please go away EA, you will not be missed.
[citation][nom]marthisdil[/nom]Great. So if your front door is slightly ajar and not locked, you're cool with people coming in and taking your stuff.After all, since you didn't execute closing up your house properly, it's not thievery. Thanks![/citation]

the analogy is partially flawed. ask yourself why the door is open in the first place. its more similar compared to free handouts(pamphlets, costco samples etc). EA is the handerouter, the original glitch, the person doing so was forgetful on the spot, and handed it out even if you never left. the second part, you "left" (logged out) went somewhere to get the promotion under an anonymuos name(or identity using a different account) came back, and the person doesnt know who you are.
I took the survey and got a promo code for a $20 discount on a game," one customer said. [...]I will check with my attorney with regards to a class-action suit. "

LOL at this kid. Go ahead and sue EA for not giving you the $20 code.
So...I feel like EA acted appropriately; they honored the existing purchases(at a huge loss to themselves), and simply disabled the code. People whine too much.
...just how much did EA lose by not securing the code properly?
Just to be clear, EA hasn't lost anything. Unless of course some of the games aren't created by EA, then they might have to pay out their cost. Anyone know if this is the case? Otherwise these aren't exactly losses.
"i cant see them as theives, the system was broken to begin with..."

Since our system for rapes, murders and crimes can also be "broken" as you say, makes it ok then since "it's broken" for some people?

It was Dishonest, theifs. It plain out SAID one game. I'd erase all the games except one random one on their account. They can take the "blame by having it broken" doesn't make it right for assholes to take advantage of it.
[citation][nom]mouse24[/nom]I don't understand on what I missed. They gave a code, said code allowed one purchase, people were able to use it more than once. EA said fine then allowed those users that had already gotten use out of the code to be off scott free. They then promptly discontinued usage of the code after fixing the issue of it being used multiple times otherwise screwing people who1) haven't used the code yet.2) were the only people who didn't screw EA by getting free games.In short the only thing EA resolved by doing this is screwing honest customers. So I said considering they allowed this to happen and even let the "fraudulent" people keep there games its quiet jerkish to do this even though they fixed the entire problem.[/citation]

It was games over $20 not under...
I am not sure what article you are reading. If you look between the lines, the one I read said "EA to save billions on taxes, due to computer hackers."

Congratulations, I'm sure this really hurt EA, way to stick it to them....
[citation][nom]marthisdil[/nom]Great. So if your front door is slightly ajar and not locked, you're cool with people coming in and taking your stuff.After all, since you didn't execute closing up your house properly, it's not thievery. Thanks![/citation]

there is the difference between physical coppys and digital coppies, but lets go with what you said

in the real world, and not the digital one, i don't believe that cops should even investigate a theft crime if proper actions were not taken to secure your belongings. and that means locking your door, or having the items on your person. if you are stupid enough to leave your door open, i would say free for all.

i had a neighbor who wanted to claim insurance money, so they left their doors wide open... sadly we live in a good area so no one sole crap from them.


here is my last interaction with ea, thanks to my brother.

bad company 2

get game
try to go online
activation coed doesnt work
talk to steam
say go to ea
go to ea
say go to steam

i give steam the benefit of the doubt here because its only been good to me, but ea.... not so much....
they never gave us a new code, and my brother had to purchase the game again, to get one that worked.
Origin / EA is distributing new single use codes to anyone who completed the survey. My new code worked fine last night.
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