Employee's phone usage


Apr 16, 2013
I equipped each of our staffs an iPhone 5 for working purpose. I had told them that the phone already have a software that track their using.

Now I am finding a good program to track their phone usage, as well as I want to know what they are talking about me behind my back.

Can anyone help me?
Recording the phone calls without their knowledge is called wiretapping and probably illegal.

Most phone carriers let you login to their online site and see all incoming/outgoing calls/txts/data without installing any tracking software.

Be a better boss or ask your employees for honest input on your role rather than try and record their personal phone calls, break the law, invade their privacy and spend all your free time listening to their phone conversations.
Sounds to me you gave these devices to your employees to spy on them; not cool, and I think not legal, either. No help on this forum.
As far as the usage is concerned, the owner of the device's contract has access to the usage data from the mobile company; nothing different from any mobile owner that has a contract with a wireless provider.
Besides, you have to inform the other party if you plan to monitor their usage. Just like any phone customer service has to inform you if that conversation could be recorded, and what they're planning to do with the recording in question. That is legally binding, and breach of that trust is punishable by law. Privacy laws are pretty strict and detailed about that; you might want to consult your lawyer for advice before going through with this.
I think if he gave proper disclosure, and had the employees sign a consent form, then he can monitor away. Monitoring without warning is a different story. Recording is yet another issue which also is true for person-to-person calls regardless of business usage.

Whether or not, this is good for business or not is a different story.

Except that phone calls are between two parties, not just one individual;

Even if he has the employees' consent, he would not have consent of the people they were talking to.

To answer OP's question, if you want to set something up, I think you need to get in contact with your wireless provider for a corporate account, in which they can provide more usage administration features.