Naming one favorite character is really hard because there are so many games that have me rooting for a character and caring about them. Most people don't understand the connection that gamers have to the characters they play and the ones they relate to. I know this is a thread on Tomb Raider and honestly it is what brought me to this page, but I truly feel that Lara Croft is the one character out of all the games that I have played that I relate to and cherish the most. For me as a young girl gamer (which was rare back in the 90s) this iconic character was the person I wanted to be. Brilliant, sexy, adventurous, and just all around kick ass! ☺
Even when I was in the Peace Corps and I was trekking through the jungles in Cameroon hunting viper snakes with the other men in the village. (Long story...) Yeah the only girl again… but I would keep telling myself to stay strong, keep going, and pretend your Lara Croft. That at least gave me the courage I needed to make it through.
I was so ecstatic to find out that Crystal Dynamics was making this game again and that I could keep exploring with Lara. I never want it to end. I cannot wait till next Tuesday.
Happy Exploring Everyone!