Extend DropBox Syncing Capabilities


Dec 16, 2013
Hello everyone!

I'm trying to get clever with Dropbox. I use it to sync layouts and graphics used for our Photo booth company. So far it is working like a champ, but I'd like to take it a step further.

Our Photo booth software (photoboof) saves its layouts and generated pictures in its own data folder in C:\. I would like to sync this folder to Dropbox because the layouts and graphics are designed and built on my workstation computer. But after I design them, I have to go to the other computer and build the photobooth layout there using the graphics stored in the Dropbox folder. I would like to be able to do the entire process on my computer.

My initial though was to tell the application to put its generated files in the Dropbox folder, but to my knowledge, there is no way to relocate this folder within the application's preferences.

There are programs like boxifier that can sync other folders to Dropbox. But I need to "down-sync" that folder to the active photo booth directory in C:\. Should I use symlinks? I'm not very experienced with them, so if this is the right/wrong way to go, I'd appreciate any input.

Thank you for your help!

[Moderator edit: OS = Windows 7]


Oct 22, 2015

Razvan from Boxifier here. Just wanted to let that what you want to achieve is currently possible with Boxifier. It can "down-sync" that folder to the active photo booth directory in your C:\ drive.

We are working on some tutorials and improved documentation which will make that scenario more intuitive to address with Boxifier. In the meantime, I can personally help you set it up for your specific use case.

Disclaimer: I am actually part of the team building Boxifier, so feel free to ask me anything about it: [email removed]


Dec 16, 2013

Yeah that would be great if you could get some tutorials, That would be fantastic.