Extended Warranty

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May 12, 2004
When you buy a digicam at a place like a best buy or circuit city, is it necessary to buy an extended warranty for a digicam like a laptop?

Most of the time it's a waste of money. If it's only $10 or so on a $300+ piece of equipment I usually do, but not if they want outrageous prices for the waranty. If it goes bad after the factory wananty then it's worth it, but if it doesn't it was wasted money...

<A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?id=23900" target="_new">System</A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2072215" target="_new">3DMark03</A>
If you want to know the truth of Extended warranties. Take a look at just who is offering them. Behind the scenes it is really an Insurance Company offering the extended warranty and holding the money.

The way prices change on Digital cameras and the trend of people upgrading every two years it really isn't worth it. If you want to save even more money check out Photographic stores seeing they will tend to have better prices then the big box store. Big box stores will normally put full list on all products and then put 1 or 2 on sale thus getting closer to photo retailer prices giving the appearance of Deals.

I can give you an example. I have seen the New Nikon 8700 for as much as $ 90.00 less than Best Buy/Future Shop price.

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