Question Facebook Hacked & now I can't access my business page

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Feb 21, 2022
On Saturday 19th Feb, I received 3 or 4 emails with the password reset codes which I didn't request. Within 15 Minutes of these emails coming through I had another email from facebook saying my account has been disabled due to community standards. Only I didn't see any of these emails until atleast two hours after the damage had already been done.

I have reported best I can but I can't actually log into my account to ensure it is reported correctly.

The next issue I have is my business page. This is a page I have been building up since January 2012, 10 years of hard work, and as I am the only admin to my page, I cannot access or log into my page to edit, post or change anything. This is my livlihood.

I learnt yesterday my email had been hacked, hence why they managed to use one of the codes to get into my account and god knows what they have posted to get my account blocked in less than 15 minutes.

I have clicked on all the facebook emails, to report I did not request a password reset. I have also requested a review of why my account has been disabled, but it doesn't allow you to give an explanation, so i can't inform them my account was hacked and then blocked.

After spending the last 60 Hours, going round in circles, not sleeping because I am sick with worry. I don't know what else I can do.

I've changed all my passwords . When I log into my facebook it just loads a black page, with a title saying Review requested, but there's nothing to prove that they are going to link my report of being hacked to my account was disabled.

In addition to what is already causing me headaches, I have lost all the memories I ever had of my children, including the memories of my son who I lost.

On top of this, I am Group Admin to a few football groups (Groups are all Private) this is where we share & post pictures & videos of the children. My son plays for these teams, and I also sponsor them through my business.

I have reported it to the police but they cant do anything.

I've literally hit a brick wall, can anyone help me Please.
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