Question Facebook Log in HELP PLEASE!!! THANK YOU!!!

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Apr 22, 2020
I have checked to see if my account was disabled and it's not. When I try to log in on my mobile app, i get a prompt saying my account is temporary unavailable .To regain access either update the app or , to.sign in on a web browser or computer. Ive cleared web browsers, etc. and nothing works. I log in on a web page and it tells me to log in on a desk top and follow the instructions. I go on the computer and it leads me to a support page asking me 3 questions.( )It doesn't matter which one i choose as when I hit submit the page it does nothing. Almost like a bug? I haven't been hacked that I can tell, but i doubt if a hacker would be like.. hi i hacked and I can search for my page , people can still tag me write to me etc. I can see this from someone else's account. My husband can access his account on our computer with no problem. this what what the support page says t the top.. can anyone help me??? i have had this account for years.. like 14..
Their responsiveness is an on-going issue for many users. You just have to have patience and perseverance.

We have tons of folk who come here for similar issues and we offer the same advice to each. If we could help, we would.

Good luck.

i appreciate you!!! I know with everything going on, things are slow.. i am realizing you need a facebook to do everything! hopefully they will get back to me soon, because i really dont want to have to open a new account.. again, thank you!!
Yeah... I can understand this is a very tough time for you! But you resolve your problem of logging in on the browser by clearing your browser data, history or cache. Just try this.. it would be helpful for you
Thanks..but i have done all of that and im still locked out. Still at the "support " page asking me what do I need, I answer, hit enter and nothing happens 😭😭😭😭😭
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