I have checked to see if my account was disabled and it's not. When I try to log in on my mobile app, i get a prompt saying my account is temporary unavailable .To regain access either update the app or , to.sign in on a web browser or computer. Ive cleared web browsers, etc. and nothing works. I log in on a web page and it tells me to log in on a desk top and follow the instructions. I go on the computer and it leads me to a support page asking me 3 questions.(facebook.com/checkpoint. )It doesn't matter which one i choose as when I hit submit the page it does nothing. Almost like a bug? I haven't been hacked that I can tell, but i doubt if a hacker would be like.. hi i hacked you..lol and I can search for my page , people can still tag me write to me etc. I can see this from someone else's account. My husband can access his account on our computer with no problem. this what what the support page says t the top..https
/www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F can anyone help me??? i have had this account for years.. like 14..