Question Old iPad 4th Gen, cannot log into FB from browser


Jan 5, 2017
Hi all, I bought a pretty old iPad 4th Gen (16 GB) on Facebook Marketplace the other day with the intention of teaching my elderly aunt how to use it (she's never even been on the internet). Myself, I know pretty much nothing about iPad's and have never used one but I am fairly tech savvy otherwise. I realize that with such an old iOS (10.3.4) that it won't be possible to install any newer apps, but that's okay... my aunt doesn't need any newer fancy stuff - just as long as I can show her how to browse the web to read some sites (she is crazy about rug-hooking) and to be able to send the rest of the family some messages (via Facebook) now and then.

There's no specific Facebook app on the iPad (too old I guess), so I tried to log into my own FB account from the Safari browser, but it's not letting me log in. I enter my correct user/pass but as soon as I click the big blue LOG IN button, it just blanks out the password field and does nothing. So really, I just need a browser that will work with Facebook on this old iOS. I read a bit about doing a 'jailbreak' and I would have no problem doing this if it could solve my problem! Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated!

Thanks All
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Is the device actually connecting to the Internet? Does it indicate that it has any updates available?

Have you setup an Apple ID account ?

Hi COLgeek, thank you for the reply! It says it has iOS 10.3.4 and no further updates are available. Yes, it can connect fine to the wifi and I can do some surfing around on Safari... it's just that I cannot sign into Facebook on the browser and that's my chief need.

I have set up an Apple ID just the other day, yes.

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So the App Store doesn't give you FB?

You very well may be dealing with an obsolescence issue. Try installing another browser and see if you can access FB.

Thanks COLGeek. The app store shows the FB app but when I try to download it says I need iOS 15.1 or higher :-(

I have installed several other browsers (ie. Dolphin, FastBrowser, etc) but it's the same problem - I am unable to log into Facebook with any of them. It wouldn't even allow me to download Chrome or Firefox - it said it required a newer iOS.

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Ahh shoot. In surfing around, I read some things about 'jailbreaking' old iPad 4's and even downgrading the iOS to 9.3.x and then having some success. So none of that would work for me COLGeek?

Well, I already have plenty of doorstops... I might as well try this jailbreak thing and see then if I can find a browser that will work with FB. What have I got to lose eh?

COLGeek, apparently there's a way to get and install older versions of apps (like old versions of Chrome, Firefox, etc). If I can find someone with a newer iOS device (I think I could), I could ask them to go to the App Store under my Apple ID and do a download for me. Then when I go back to my old iPad 4, that app in the App Store will show as "Purchased" and it will ask if I want to download an older version for my 10.3.4. Do you think there's a chance I could find an old version of some browser that might work for me?
