They need to think before they put ads on the site. often the ads contain false information and are ptetty much always misleading. I generally use adblock because the ads are obnoxious but when you try to give them a chance, e.g., I am currently looking for a Samsung 840 pro. don't show me ads for flowers or other crap as that is a waste of time and bandwidth. If you want to be useful, show me an ad for an 840 pro that is being sold for less than the sites that I searched are selling them.
The cheapest I found at a reputable store was $197, give me a better deal!
This is where the ads fail, even though they are tracking your web use enough to know what you are looking for, they only serve ads to shady websites selling unrelated products. I would not mind non annoying ads if they were actually helpful.
An example of a good ad will be "Hey we see you are searching for a 256GB Samsung 840 pro, the lowest price you saw was $197 but we have an offer here to get it for $175 including shipping" Or "Hey you were searching for X product but this product here benchmarks higher and cost the same or less"
Until ads stop looking like the same crap that ends up in your email spam folder, addons like adblock will continue to be the most popular.
A good example of a bad advertising is a website called article text is turned into a minefield where random words will pop up unrelated ads that interest no one, and banner ads leading to sites that most people have never heard of, but charge much more for their products, or while knowing the audience of the site, will attempt to advertise an outrageously overpriced prebuilt gaming PC.
Overall for virtually all online advertising, the well has been poisoned because 99.9% of all ads are nefarious. For virtually all sites that use ad distribution services, and not negotiate CPM agreements for a specific product (and thus thoroughly vetting the product), you end up with ads where most of the content is crap that would end up in your spam folder if it were to be e-mailed to you.
If website onwers want to change the mindset of the people to better wolcome ads, they need to take more responsibility and ensure that only good ads are displayed where a user will find them helpful, at which point most people will not even mind tracking if it will end up making things better for them as well as saving money. (I have been using the internet since the early 90's, and I have never once seen an advertisement that directed me to a better deal for a product that I was searching for, or directed me to a product that would fit my needs, it is always something unrelated or a horrible deal from a shady looking site, or a misleading deal at a shady looking site)