FBI Searches Student's Apartment in Connection to Palin Hack

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Bah this is all some front, a side hoax if you ask me: WTF is her account on YAHOO of all places, so neatly organized, completely devoid of ANY TRACES of spam? YAHOO folks... think about it? What bout the time discrepancies between emails and such, NO SPAM again, from someone that cannot even setup a secure password and reminder, but some how has the most secure anti-spam filerings? What about the title of the account? Gov. / .gov... WHY would someone that isn't intending or “innocent,” be using those heading titles in a PERSONAL email account—then with titles addressing specific agencies and specific personnel directly affiliated with government agencies aka the GOVERNOR of California, Alaskan departments etc? Damn... none of this crossed your minds?

I'm going to have to agree with the fat Americans comment. People are becoming stupider and more disconnected with the issues directly associated with their lives… Stuffing trash (fast “food”) down their throats, gaming their social skills to Neanderthal like levels of grunts and nods. Get off your asses and start looking beyond the headlines. WTC Blding #7 ring any bells? Wow what a time in history when speaking about inaccuracies and hushed facts gets you put in the "conspiracy nut" category! SADDAM DID IT! INVADE IRAQ HAHAHA You idiot sheep all got it WRONG as usual. Seriously, if you're NOT an idiot and or sheep, you won't find any of this offensive in any slight bit.

Who cares about this “hack” it wasn’t a hack, it’s called REVERSE SOCIAL ENGINEERING: The dude used the systems’ OWN clues/rules to reveal the password. He didn’t code or “hack” anything. In fact, there’s nothing that explicitly states that the person with the correct password is breaking any law at all. What if her child guessed her password and checked out all he emails and posted them on facebook b/c he/she was mad at mommy for punishing him? Would the FBI then choose to investigate the case so aggressively or AT ALL? NOPE! But a supposed “law” was broken in the same regard right? More bias against the general public: Elected officials, CEO’s, executives, guys in $100,000 cars ARE in fact considered “BETTER” than the rest of “us” in the general public. Once you all accept the fact that high earners/title owning individuals matter MORE to society than, you or I… the sooner you’ll start thinking of ways to change said imbalances, huh? Geesh shit like this makes me ashamed to state I’m an “American,” a dumb, overworked, politically ignorant, materialistic shopper, gaming drone… THAT is the “American” most foreign citizens assume we are… and they are frighteningly close in that descriptor… Let the |-|8 begin!
People are getting more stupid and V12V12 proves it...
"I'm going to have to agree with the fat Americans comment. People are becoming stupider and more disconnected with the issues directly associated with their lives…"
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