I would like to see their efficiency data on this. I have little doubt that from the standpoint of how much power the laser consumes compared to a spark plug that the laser is more efficient; however, in the long run (IMHO), that is unlikely to increase the efficiency of an ICE as a whole. Also, that they can get data back from the engine sounds like a good thing, but this will only pass the test if they end up burning the fuel with a significant increase in efficiency over conventional spark plugs. I.e., say that a spark plug actually burns 50% of the fuel injected into the chamber, then if the laser burns 95% of that fuel, that would seem like a meaningful increase in efficiency. That might happen as the power density at the focal point of the lens, i.e., the "spark", could easily exceed that in a purely electrical spark.
That said, I have to agree with other comments here, most of which seem to have gotten negative votes, that this makes little sense in the long term. It may stretch the life of fossil fuels somewhat, but it is still burning fossil fuels that will still pollute and still contribute to environmental problems.
IMHO, it is an example of why US automakers do so poorly. Again, IMHO, Ford would do much better if they were pouring significant amounts of research $$$ into ultracapacitor technology and extending the range of all electric cars.
However, Ford's marketing department probably loves the laser idea as it will add significant "bling" to what I consider the already ridiculous Ford commercials. It will be much cooler to own a vehicle with a laser ignition system than one with an "old fashioned" spark plug ignition system, and it most certainly will sell to people who are unaware that it will most likely be a sales pitch without offering any significant advantage other than less moving parts and, possibly, more reliability.