Fortnite Battle Royale - Landing Tips

Everything in Fortnite Battle Royale has something tricky about it, and same is with the landing. The game has a record of making things complex and landing proves it. If you want to land faster and intelligently, then you should take a look at the tips mentioned below:
Aim for Low Ground:
This is the most common thing that players usually do yet, most of the players don’t care about it when they should. If you go towards the high ground, your glider will open up quicker than it would’ve opened if you have gone towards a low ground. This is because your glider opens up after a defined distance from the ground. So if you go towards the mountains, your glider will open up quickly. This is why, if you want to land at the ground faster, you need to make sure to avoid all high structures like trees, mountains, and buildings etc. This way you will dive more and will reach to the ground faster.

Land Next to a Weapon:
This is the most important part of landing. You need to make sure that you land as close to a weapon as possible. This is because you will be in a defensive mode when you land meaning you will have to defend yourself as you will not have any healing items. So you will have to land at a place that has a gun nearby so you can quickly get it and start defending yourself until you get a decent amount of loot.

Get Away From Battle Bus:
If you want to avoid players landing near you then you need one simple thing; get away from them. Yes! This is as simple as that. What you need to do is when you land from the battle bus, you need to get away from the bus as far as you can. Most of the players go directly towards the place beneath the bust; you need to go to the place that is far from the bus. Also, make sure to look around when you are landing to make sure no one else is landing near you.

Don’t Rely on Glider Skins:

There is a myth going on that the better a glider skin is the faster it will be. We don’t know where it originated from but we do know that it is a completely absurd thing. The skins of gliders in Fortnite Battle Royale are introduced for fun and to increase your style.

There is no purpose of making your landing better with them. So keep this in mind and don’t rely on skins to help you land faster. Just try to dive as far as you can so you can get closer to your desired location.

These are some of the knowledgeable tips regarding the landing in Fortnite. Just make sure to keep the aforementioned things in mind next time you land.