Hi there, sorry l know l'm a new name here, actually l had an account a few years back but have forgotten it.
Please accept my impressions as valid.
The forum text is too small.
The forum design is too low contrast.
The forum layout is too crowded.
The forum should be merged with TomsHardware because computer owners are often phone owners too.
The "Ask the Community" box should be abandoned and we should be allowed to go straight into making a post in a nice big input window.
Time to invest in a new forum template l'd say.
Please accept my impressions as valid.
The forum text is too small.
The forum design is too low contrast.
The forum layout is too crowded.
The forum should be merged with TomsHardware because computer owners are often phone owners too.
The "Ask the Community" box should be abandoned and we should be allowed to go straight into making a post in a nice big input window.
Time to invest in a new forum template l'd say.