Future Laptop Prospects


Mar 9, 2010
I started researching some options on a new laptop for several reasons mainly my current laptop is a Dell m1210 and there batteries only last 2 years tops, so instead of wasting cash on it I decided to take my extra cash from school and get a laptop.

Well I was looking into some of the tablets that are coming out and into the Touch Screen Laptops, and they all seem to be pretty cool, but I thought about this and would it be wise to spend money on a slower touchscreen laptops or tablets when I can buy a decent laptop and get a bamboo pen setup??

I would thought about i pad but it just isn't good enuff for 800+ dollars, so I am wondering which route you think I should go?
Well, it depends on how you would plan to use either. If you do a lot of internet surfing and just general fussing around, a tablet wouldn't be a bad way to go. However, if you are typing papers and such, it might be wise to go with either a laptop or a convertible tablet. If you are a gamer, I'd go with just a laptop. How much are you looking to spend?
Well, it depends on how you would plan to use either. If you do a lot of internet surfing and just general fussing around, a tablet wouldn't be a bad way to go. However, if you are typing papers and such, it might be wise to go with either a laptop or a convertible tablet. If you are a gamer, I'd go with just a laptop. How much are you looking to spend?
Well I was going to fill out that questionaire but I am in the first stage of picking.

I just build a Desktop, so gaming isn't a must, but it would be nice to be able to log into steam and play HL and what not.

When on my current laptop, I ususally browse the internet, research papers and write them, some times make music on it, and I CS4 Master on it. I also have access to other great software from autocad, but right now my major is computer engineering and my minor or "backup" is "video game" "maker".
This is why I thought having the the HP tablet would be helpful, but I figured I would try and stay below 800$ but if nessary I could do something under 1000$.

I thought the Tm2t from HP would be super awesome, first it is easily a e reader w/adobe editions(rent from library), 2nd it can be used as an ipad, 3rd its a full featured laptop and 4th All these together make it an all in one package.

If I didn't get it, I would go with an AMD DV series and get a quad core for the same price, then I could just get a bamboo pen setup, but then I wouldn't have the ipad and ereader features.