G4ME ZERO vs Audio-Technica ATH-M50x


Aug 16, 2014
Hello, my Turtle Beach PX22 Headset broke yesterday. I am now looking for a NEW headset. I have a $200 budget. I am currently looking at the G4ME ZERO headset, and also the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x + Yeti Mic Bundle. I can't decide which one to buy. I wouldn't mind a pair of headphones plus mic- or a headset. I am open to any other headset, and any other headphones + mic. Just need some advice.

P.S. Is a soundcard necessary to get the most out of headphones when it comes to gaming?
i'd give thought to a hd558 + modmic or game one.

the game zero is okay but its going to be pretty light on bass. while this is good for advantage in fps games it may not sound as exciting as other options.

the game one is based on the same drivers in the hd598 and will be a bit more neutral with some more bass. the hd558 has the same drivers as the hd598 and similar sound (slightly worse build quality, somewhat bassier, slightly less soundstage) and can be paired up with a mic cheaper than a game one in most cases.

is a soundcard required? no, however you might want one or an amplifier if your onboard audio is not very good as it may not be able to power headphones very well. a soundcard can also add virtual surround as an option in case you like that (you can choose whether to keep it on or turn it off).

What are your thoughts on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Professional Studio Monitor Headphones Bundle with Yeti USB Microphone? ( http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50x-Professional-Monitor-Headphones/dp/B00HVLUR86/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423801877&sr=8-1&keywords=ath+m50x )
did not see any bundle deal in that link to comment on bundle price but i can give my thoughts on the products themselves.

i personally own an ath-m50s (previous version to the m50x). while i do personally like it there are certainly caveats to be made aware of. first is that they have an incredibly small soundstage which makes it not very ideal for gaming. things will sound close and in your face (i like this for the music i listen to on them) and less airy and 3d. second is that for similar price the dt770pro (though it needs a soundcard or amp to sound best) is better in every single way. third is that they are not good for large ears, glasses and get hot after awhile. as far as the good things: nice warm bassy sound without sacrificing on treble, they are built like tanks, they fold up and the cables provided (at least on the original version) are very thick and durable.

if you liked the m50, i'd suggest looking into the dt770pro instead. otherwise, i would like to suggest open headphones with large soundstage for gaming tasks unless of course you require closed for isolation.

as far as the blue yeti is concerned its an excellent microphone. good sound quality, multiple pickup modes and is not terribly expensive. as for negatives, its really big!, a bit higher priced than competitive products and gives you more features than you really need.

a good alternative to the yeti is the at2020usb/at2020usb+ (plus version has jack for headphones, non plus does not. keep in mind if you use the plus version you're going to need a headphone amp generally if you use the jack.) or the atr2500 which is a budget version 2020 with poorer build quality and somewhat less sound quality. in terms of pure convenience the modmic is an attachable boom mic which converts any headphones to a headset and is a great choice as well.

if you want better advice, you really should provide much more information.
-open or closed design? open generally has better soundstaging while closed does not but is isolating.
-what kind of sound signature do you like? eg. lots of bass not much treble, neutral, more treble than bass, punchy but no deep bass, easy listening, detailed.
-budget? does this include soundcard / amp or not?
-do you have a large head or glasses?
-what purposes are the headphones for? gaming, music, travel, etc.
-what genres?
-do you want headphones which sound more exciting or ones which give you more advantage (in fps gaming) but are not exciting sounding?