G51VX-X3A or a refurb'd G51VX-RX05?

Zinimus Prime

Dec 2, 2009
Hey everyone! I was originally going to build my own desktop, but I finally decided I need a shred of mobility and decided to go with a gaming laptop. I don't want to spend anymore than $1200 so the G51J-A1 is out.

I've narrowed my 2 choices down to a refurbished RX05 for $800 with a 9-cell battery from buy.com OR a X3A from newegg.com for $1200 with a 6-cell battery.

The issues I'm mulling over are:

P7350 2.0 CPU 3MB cache
1366 x 768
No Bluetooth

P8700 2.53 CPU 3MB cache
1920 x 1080
Brand New!

Has anyone bought one of these refurbs from buy.com and does it still have the warranty and do we even know what the general issue with the RX05 is? Is the CPU clock and sreen res difference worth the extra $400 and a smaller battery? What's the battery like on the 9-cell RX05 vs the 6-cell X3A????

Any and all advice will be taken seriously! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello and welcome to the forums :)
I myself never buy a refurbished laptop but that's my opinion,i say the second one is worth it because,you will get bluetooth,faster CPU and a better screen res and finally its brand new,i would go for it,however what are the conditions of the Refurbed one ?
Hello and welcome to the forums :)
I myself never buy a refurbished laptop but that's my opinion,i say the second one is worth it because,you will get bluetooth,faster CPU and a better screen res and finally its brand new,i would go for it,however what are the conditions of the Refurbed one ?

Thanks for the welcome!

I don't know if ASUS has an additional warranty, but Buy.com only lists a 30-day warranty, which firghtens me, especially since I don't know what was causing the failures in the first place. If it's something easy to replace I don't mind.
I just went out to Best Buy during luncha and saw a G60 or 50 with a 1366x768 screen and it didn't look bad, but I can see why everyone was suggesting the 1920x1080 when I compared it to other laptops with a 1600x900 screen.

But if I've got a game running on X3A with a native 1920x1080 and turn it down to 1366x768 is it going to look better worse or the same? Does the 1920x1080 screen have a better refresh rate??????

What I meant was, if I was to play a game on the X3a @ 1366x768 would it look any different than it would on the RX05 simply because it's not the native resolution?

I ended up going with your sentiment to stay away from the refurbished one and went with the X3A through newegg.com.

Thanks for all the help. I'm sure I'll be back when it comes time to start tweaking and modding!