Android KitKat 4.4.2 wi-fi, slow internet browsing issues

  • My Wi-Fi speet test and browsing are fast under this version of Android

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • I have the same issue and it was corrected in Android 4.4.3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have the same issue and it was corrected in Android 4.4.4

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Clyde B

Jun 28, 2014
I purchased two of these devices in the 32Gb version a few weeks ago and now I'm considering returning them because of slow Wi-fi performance.
The devices appeared to work fine until the first OS update to Android kit-kat 4.4.2 OS after that Internet browsing and speed test were very poor as compared to my two smart phones, two separate Linux laptops and a windows 7 PC.
I went through Samsung tech support however, they could not resolve the issue on either of my two tablets. (one is for my wife)
I did some research and discovered other devices having Wi-Fi issues with Android kit-kat version 4.4.2 and according to the research is corrected in later versions of the OS. unfortunately Samsung is not pushing any OS updates for this device therefore you can expect to see a performance drop as soon as you update the OS to 4.4.2.
I have already tried adding and removing the Wi-Fi networks, turning off the sleep timer and a complete Factory reset (which does not revert the OS to the previous version). Running Wi-Fi over a ASUS RT-AC66U dual band router, my 3 other computers and 2 smart phones are screaming over this Wi-Fi connection to the Internet.
Other than that the device seems to work very well with local applications but that’s not the reason I purchased this device. It looks like I may have to return both units to the brick and mortar store where I purchased them under the 45 day return policy.
Thought you all might want to know this :|
Hi Clyde, I have the same hardware (Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 and ASUS RT-AC66U) and experience connection drops which make all the other connected devices also drop their connections. I posted more information on the issue here:

Did you somehow fix your issue or have new information on this?


Yes, I found a solution... I returned the device for a refund and purchashing a ASUS N550JV laptop :).
It's funny that the day after I returned the device SAMSUNG support called me and more or less conveyed they could not do anything about the slow browser issue and that it will ikely be resolved with the next version of Android (which was my suspicion from the beginning) /color]
My wife still has hers and she appears to tolirate the slower browser performance better than me.. I guess I am ust to gaming PC and laptop performance and could not handel the slow page loads on the device. (not cache page re-loads but new web page load up times are slow).

I bought one of these hours ago and I am having the same issue. All other devices in my home are very fast. When I setup this device I entered my Samsung, Google and Drop Box information. I also have a Galaxy S4 phone and use the same accounts on that device. My new 12.2 restored the apps and settings that were used on my phone. In the wifi settings I noticed that my wifi Network that I use in my home was marked as static IP. The restored settings for wifi were causing a conflict on my network. I thought that was surely the problem but it wasn't. It did stop the problems I was having with my phone but not the 12.2 . I then forgot all networks on the device and connected to a newer router I have on my second floor. It's still not as fast as other devices but it is good enough. I am comparing my routers to see what the differences are and will post that info when I have it.

maxdog21, I was contacted by Samsung technical support and unfortunately there is no immediate fix to the issue, according to Samsung the issue has something to do with the android OS and he said they are working on an update/fix however, there he could not provide me any details on release date.. My wife still has her Note Pro 12.2 and is not really complaining much about the slow speed (I think its because her old windows laptop was so slow). I have always been a power user so I immediately notice things on WEB enabled devices. I returned my unit for a refund and purchased an ASUS N550J, i7 8 core Laptop, it came with windows 8 loaded which I immediately partitioned the drive and installed UBUNTU 14.02, it really screams and runs every Linux application I use without issue including, just about every flavor of web browser. CB

Hi Clyde,

With OTA upgrades has Samsung brought this tablet up to 4.4.4 yet? If so, has this fixed the problem?
I'm aware that 4.4.2, and 4.4.3 both had serious issues including connectivity.

I don't have this tablet yet, but am planning to get one. My present tablet is a Xoom, rooted and running a custom Android 4.4.4 Rom. My Niece has a Samsung Tab 2 10.1 running 4.4.2, and it is significantly slower accessing Wifi than my Xoom.

No solution yet from OTA w/ AT&T ... my new ASUS router and ASUS Laptop screams along with all my other devices and Linux PC's, I guess Samsung just didn't get it right with the Android OS.... perhaps if they went to an Linix based OS like UBUNTU there would not be as many issues however, you won't be able to use the silly little tablet and phone games and apps ... but then again thats fine with me.