Galexy Tab 4 SMt230NU Frozen


Sep 29, 2016
I, too, have a Tab that is frozen. It is just under 2yrs old, I have already had to factory reset (thank GOD for backup) and now it has frozen again. I tried the pwr/vol down buttons, but it stays locked on the screen that displays model name/number. I have let the battery run down to see if that works once I charge it again. There is a tiny, tiny hole right above the pwr button; does anyone know what this is or any suggestions that can help me? Samsung charges $65 plus S&H just to look at it and diagnose. I may resort to the Geek Squad. Any help would be super, or it is to the trash heap of history and many tears.
Then the only thing I can think of would be a "Hard Reset" of the device. Which really should only be used as a last resort. If not this, then you would have to 'carefully' open it up and pull the battery to cut the power, leave it off for a few minutes and then try turning it back on in "Safe Mode" to make sure it isn't something running on the device that is the problem.

NOTE: Doing this will clear 'all' the data on your tablet, so it is suggested you not choose this option unless you have to, or aren't worried about losing anything on the device.

Be sure you back up any data you want to keep, to a computer or cloud account, before doing the reset.

To "Hard Reset" the tablet...

1. Make sure that the tablet is actually powered...
Once you can get it turned off, and then recharge it to turn back on, I would stugest starting it up in "Safe Mode". Although you recently reset the device, it still could have something on it that is the problem. If it runs fine in "Safe Mode" then you know it is a file or app that is your problem. If it continues to lock up, then it may well be hardware.

To get into "Safe Mode" please do the following.

1. First turn off the tablet.

2. Next press and hold "Power" until you see the manufacturers logo on the screen, then release the power button.

3. "Quickly" press "Volume Down" and hold it for few seconds until you see the message "Safe mode: ON" or something similar.

4. If you wanted disable it, simply repeat the steps above, and you should see "Safe Mode: OFF" rather than on.
Thanks so much. That did not work either. I let the battery run down, plugged charger in. The problem is it won't actually turn off. It gets stuck on the model screen and stays there. Nothing I do changes the status of my device. I tried all the recommendations I have read for this device here. Ah well. Again, thank you.

No worries. If I thought beating on my tile counter would help, I'd certainly adore trying that, but alas....I think not. Bahahahaha.....again, thanks for the help.

LOL Yeah I don't think that would help.

Well, I think I missed something here... so it is turning on, and it is just not booting up completely. And it isn't letting you in "Safe Mode" hmm... Try this...

1. Power off the laptop.
2. Power on the laptop.
3. As soon as you see the rotating loading circle, press and hold the Power Button until the computer shuts off.
4. Repeat this process a few times until you see the "Preparing Automatic Repair" screen.
5. Now you want to let the laptop boot to the "Automatic Repair" screen.
6. Click "Advanced Options" and then select "Troubleshoot".
7. Here you want to select "Refresh your PC", if you do not wish to erase data, or "Reset your PC" to erase all data and restore your system.
8. From here just follow the screen instructions until the recovery is completed.

NOTE: You will need to get into the "Advanced Options" in order to get the "Refresh Option". This choice will keep your data, but any programs installed will be lost.

Do not do a "Reset" as that will wipe all data you have on the laptop.

Nah, this won't work, because it is a Tablet, not a laptop. I have tried all the steps in turning off/on, holding pwr button/vol down button. Sometimes, if I am lucky I get to the samsung screen , the one just before it finishes powerig on, with the word SAMSUNG in multicolor with what ooks like fire works behind it, but it freezes there.

So, I guess it is to the shop with it. Thanks anyway.
Apologies. I gave you the wrong "Safe Mode" info. Sheesh, I shouldn't be allowed to type when tired. :) Here is the correct "Safe Mode" instructions.

To get into "Safe Mode" please do the following.

1. First turn off the tablet.

2. Next press and hold "Power" until you see the manufacturers logo on the screen, then release the power button.

3. "Quickly" press "Volume Down" and hold it for few seconds until you see the message "Safe mode: ON" or something similar.

4. If you wanted disable it, simply repeat the steps above, and you should see "Safe Mode: OFF" rather than on.
Then the only thing I can think of would be a "Hard Reset" of the device. Which really should only be used as a last resort. If not this, then you would have to 'carefully' open it up and pull the battery to cut the power, leave it off for a few minutes and then try turning it back on in "Safe Mode" to make sure it isn't something running on the device that is the problem.

NOTE: Doing this will clear 'all' the data on your tablet, so it is suggested you not choose this option unless you have to, or aren't worried about losing anything on the device.

Be sure you back up any data you want to keep, to a computer or cloud account, before doing the reset.

To "Hard Reset" the tablet...

1. Make sure that the tablet is actually powered off.

2. Press the "Power" and the "Volume Up" buttons, together, until you see the start-up logo on the screen.

3. Once you can see the logo, release the buttons and allow the device to enter the "System Recovery Mode".

4. Next use "Volume Down" button to get to the "wipe data/factory reset" option When in recovery mode the "Volume Up" and "Volume Down" buttons are how to can navigate and highlight what option you need.

5. Once you have selected the "wipe data/factory reset", press the "Power" button to select that option.

6. On the following screen, repeatedly press the "Volume Down" button until the "Yes - delete all user data" option is what is selected.

7. Then press the "Power" button to hard reset the tablet.